Saturday, April 9, 2011

Soccer Saturday!

Soccer Saturday was a HIT! Both of the kids had a blast, despite the snow. Yes, the snow! All four of us were soaking wet at the end and freezing cold, but my two little people had smiles on their face and that made it all worth it!

Catching snowflakes with her tongue. Not really what I envisioned for soccer Saturday!
Aidan and Daddy doing PAKS! I think that stands for Parents and Kids Soccer. Next week it's mommy's turn since Aidan's buddy from school and his mom will be joining us. Wish me luck! Aidan's grin was HUGE!
Morgan's the one with the pink hood. She did fantastic, we are so proud of her. She got right in there and was not shy one bit.

There's my girl! Towards the end, Morgan's attention was a little distracted by the social nature of it all. She just had to find out who had loose teeth on both teams, what grade everyone was in, what they like to do for fun, etc. etc. Priorities people! She had a great time and we're excited for next week!

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