Saturday, January 30, 2010

Where's Aidan?

Apparently Aidan has created a new game, it's somewhat similar to "Where's Waldo?" At night, we never quite know where we are going to find him. Luckily he snores, so we can just follow the "old man blow horn" sound and usually come across him. This is his sleeping spot tonight, which is on our bedroom floor. I love that he is sleeping just like his father this afternoon, complete with blanket over his head.

Daddy's Back!

Ryan just returned from his annual backcountry cat-skiing adventure. A great day of skiing + 20 guys + a kid free night out in McCall = This picture below. Yes, that is Ryan sleeping underneath the blanket. I'm not sure what Aidan's deal is. Either he's exhausted from his "wild and crazy" night of not going to sleep until 11 p.m. or he's trying to be one of the "big" boys and figures this is part of the routine. Regardless, we are happy to have Ryan home, life is just more fun with him in the mix!

The boys...

Morgan was literally counting the seconds until Ryan got home. I think she's wondering what she was so excited for! Just kidding, they got in some quality time before Ryan had to "regroup" from all of his fun... It was a much deserved get away for Mr. Kearney.

Birthday Fun!

We had a great time celebrating Aidan's birthday last weekend! We are still living in the rental, as we still don't have a final word on the house we have our offer in.... Celebrating a milestone in a temporary home really made us realize that "home" is where your family is...

Aidan's favorite breakfast, pancakes with jam and whipped cream with a side bacon. And yes, a candle makes everything much more exciting!

After breakfast, we headed to Danik Gymnastics (aka "kid heaven") where they had all the fun gymanstics "stuff," a climbing wall, bounce houses, etc. Even Cinderella, Jasmine and a pirate showed up for the fun. This foam pit is for the gymnasts to fall into, but doubles as a pretty fantastic swimming pool for a 3 year old.

For some reason my camera made it look like it was snowing. I think it's the particles in the air from the foam. Kind of gross, we'll just pretend it's snowing.

Trampolines are awesome!
So are climbing walls...
We told Aidan to close his eyes while we brought in his birthday present.
New bike! Unfortunately, Aidan's legs are a tad too short for it. Sorry buddy for passing along the short leg genes.
This is what a room looks like after a 3 year old opens presents. CHAOS!

On Sunday, we had a birthday party with Aidan's friends and family. Does someone like Lightening McQueen?

We also toured the fire department by our house. I feel safer just looking at this crew of fire-fighters.

Meredith helping Aidan with the presents.

Happy Birthday to our sweet Aidan. We love you more than you'll ever know! (Well, at least until you have a child. Then you'll get it!)

I learned two things last night...

1. There's a very good reason we don't give Aidan naps. At 11:00 when I was getting ready for bed, I heard some bumbling around and came out into the living room to find this... Aidan had been playing in his room, requesting 50 "sips" of water, saying he had to go to the bathroom incessantly, etc. etc. until he finally found this as his place to rest for the night.
2. Byron needs a vacation. Being super-dog for these two crazy children can't be easy. (He's usually not allowed on the couch, but hey, if you are going to assist me in getting the world's most wide-awake preschooler to sleep, you can lay wherever you want!)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Where have the past three years gone?!?

Aidan is 3! It's unbelievable that our little man is leaving babyhood for preschooler-hood... To say we love this little guy is a massive understatement... Here are some things that I have learned from Aidan:

  • There's no point in walking if you can hop.
  • If you are getting into trouble, you might want to say, "That hurts my feelings." It doesn't necessarily lessen the punishment, but you do manage to get the parent to say, "I'm sorry."
  • Your dog truly is your best friend.
  • Talking to yourself is fun.
  • If you don't like the name that society has given an object, change it to what you think it should be named. For example, Aidan calls his pacifier a "dodo."
  • With a dodo in your mouth and your favorite blankie by your side, there is nothing that you can't do!
  • Being naked is a lifestyle and a pretty cool one at that.
  • If you get uncomfortable and don't know how to handle a situation, stick your tongue out and blow air.
  • Yogurt is the best food on this planet and can be mixed with anything. Who knew that yogurt poured on popcorn is good? Who else dips their cheese stick in a cup of yogurt?
  • Golf is either in your blood or it's not, it's in Aidan's!
  • Mommy and Me Wiggle and Giggle class is overrated, it's way more cool to play the air guitar in the corner by yourself.
  • Regardless of whether or not you drive your sister nuts by following her around, pulling her hair, going through a phase of biting her incessantly, and on and on, she will always be your fiercest advocate and cheerleader!
  • Tell people you "yike (like)" them a lot and out of the blue! It makes people feel good and they just might give you extra treats for your sweetness.

Happy Birthday to our baby boy!! We are looking forward to a lifetime of your lessons!

The family of four became complete.... How lucky we are!

January 23, 2007

Grumpy old man impersonation... I think he nailed it.

Aidan loooovvvvveeeeessssss food!

Aidan also loves to shout.

All grown up...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Viva Las Vegas!

I am still recuperating from a FANTASTIC girl's trip to my friend, Marjorie's family home in Lake Las Vegas. The laughs were endless, we had such a great time!

Literally hours were spent in this hot tub! Loved it! Mimosa anyone?

The lovely home... Celine Dion is a neighbor, I did my best "Cause I'm Your Lady" impression in the hot tub, I thought she'd come running to sign me up for her next tour, no luck....

The Ladies! Even baby Hamilton #3 came along for the fun!

I am still craving the dinner I had this night (and the wine!)... It was wonderful!

Another shot of the ladies... Look how mellow we look? This would be before the dance party!

These pictures were stolen from Heather's blog...

because apparently, I was too busy dancing to take pictures!

And good night!

And this is why I was happy to come home! My crazy, goofy, little bugs... I wonder where they get it?

Friday, January 8, 2010

After Christmas Festivities!

Mema and Papa Kearney are always so generous to us and let Ryan and I "escape" when they come to visit! The day after Christmas, Ryan and I went up skiing (sans kids!) and met up with the Bordners and Glavins (my marathon partners, although Jed looks at me like I have three eyeballs when I ask him what our next event is.) We stayed the night at a hotel downtown (we slept through the night, yahoo!) and celebrated Laura's 30th birthday! It was such a fun night!

It was a gorgeous day up at Bogus! Isn't it cool that Ryan and I have matching coats?

The birthday girl and Jed.

Getting ready to enjoy a meal that didn't include grilled cheese sandwiches or chicken nuggets!

Ryan was getting a little exasperated with all my photo taking...

Cookies for Santa...

Of course we had to make cookies for Santa! Unfortunately when you have food allergies, the pre-made or the grocery store version just won't do (dang eggs!). So we made the old-fashioned type from scratch... p.s. Grandma Dolly, the kids had on their aprons but at some point, they got lost in the shuffle!

Working hard...

Sometimes the price of peace and quiet means there is a mess... Oh well, it was worth it to have Aidan occupied for a little bit!

Just rolling out massive amounts of flour mixed with a little cookie dough (don't worry, all of the Aidan's cookies were quickly thrown away when he wasn't looking!)

Christmas Day a.k.a. Ryan's Birthday!

We had a great Christmas morning. The kids actually slept in until 7:30 a.m., thank goodness because word has it, Santa was up late wrapping last minute gifts! There's really nothing better than seeing your child so excited!

Mema helping the kids with their presents. The kids had a hard time making through all of the gifts, they were so busy playing with each present and didn't want to move onto the next. It was kind of odd to encourage them to get moving! I guess Santa and our family did a great job picking out the perfect presents for them!

Morgan loves her daddy like none-other. Here she is saying "Happy Birthday!" I love her face in this picture, it's clear she's happiest with her favorite guy!

Someone loves Christmas!

Aidan was very focused Christmas morning on getting all of his presents into a pile so he could open them in his own space. Unfortunately for him, his eyes were bigger than his arms so he had to carry all of these gifts across the living room hunched over. It cracked me up!

More Christmas Eve Pictures...

Here are some pictures I forgot to add from my last post....

This was the quietest the house was all day....

DIGGA! Aidan is obsessed with "diggers" or what sounds like "digga." Sometimes he'll walk up to me and whisper in a loud-whisper voice, "DIGGA!" and then get a big grin on his face. Oh to be an almost three year old, where the thought of heavy machinery can spark such joy!

The whole Christmas Eve Clan at Winter Garden Aglow. It was beautiful!

The three amigos.

Christmas Eve - Borney Style...

We had a great Christmas Eve with our friends, the Bordners and Papa and Mema Kearney. We started out the afternoon with church, went to Winter Garden Aglow at the Botanical Garden, had a feast and opened presents! As most of you know, we spend a lot of time with the Bordners and have undertaken many "adventures" with them and shared more than a few laughs... So Kirstin has dubbed us the "Bordneys." I sometimes slip and call us the "Keardners," but you get the idea! We are so fortunate to have such fun friends and family to spend the holiday with!

The Borneys...

I think Ryan loves Jeremy and I so much because we have a lot in common. One thing we're good at is being cool.

Payton has mastered her "smile." Hilarious! This little girl is going to keep us to entertained for years to come!

It's not Christmas Eve if you aren't naked. Right? Payton may have mastered her "smile," but I don't think Aidan has...

All of the Keardners together! Aidan was party-pooped by this point, it isn't easy maintaining a normal body temperature during a Boise winter when you refuse to wear clothes!