Thursday, February 17, 2011

Well looky there!

Ryan came home with a new car today! His last car was turning into a money pit since we learned that the whole German engineering thing equals big repair bills... Boo to that! You know you're old when you are looking for a car and safety is your first priority, followed by gas mileage, followed by adequate room for luggage/dog/kid stuff/outdoor sports stuff. Yep, we're old.

I don't get "into" cars, but this one does have an ipad deck and since there will be some road trips in our future, we didn't need to look much further!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

The Kearney's have enjoyed a fun Valentine's Day! The day started out bright and early for me, since I was called into the hospital not once but twice over the night, whoop whoop! But that didn't stop the festivities from going on! First stop, was Morgan's classroom celebration. These kids are too cute, how her teacher handles 22 "rambunctious" kids(in the words of one kindergartner) from 8-4 is beyond me! I am sure she enjoys not having school on Fridays!)

You probably can't read this, but Morgan LOVES to write. Her favorite writing goes a little like this, "I love my mommy and I love my daddy and my dog and Aidan!"
After school celebration! (Sorry, the pictures are out of order!)
I decorated the house while Aidan was in preschool and Morgan was at school. Aidan was convinced that some magical being akin to Santa came into our home to do the deed! Needless to say, he was pretty excited!
The happy kindergartner! I'm becoming known as the "treat table lady," since I want Morgan to be able to partake in all the fun, I'm the provider of all the yummies!

So cute and SO MUCH ENERGY! I hope no one is cursing me tonight for all the sugar that was enjoyed today!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Why is Aidan Tired?

Aidan fell asleep on the couch at around 5:30 p.m. this evening, before dinner even! Why would this little guy be so tired, you ask? Is it the academic rigors of his new school? No, not really. Is it that his mom is running him ragged now that she has free time? Maybe, but probably not the reason. Is it that he has learned the skill that every little sibling around the world has mastered? Why yes, it is. Aidan has learned how to drive his sister absolutely bonkers. It doesn't take much, but he has been spending hours doing it. Morgan likes to tell us a lot of random information and it goes on all day. So when she starts in on one of her facts, Aidan is quick to interrupt, "nuh uhh" and he'll say this over and over, as steam comes out her ears, her face turns red and she tries to argue with him that yes, it is February 9th, 2011 or whatever the fact is. Needless to say, there have been a lot of requests "to make him stop" around here.

Sorry sissy, it looks like this little guy is resting up for another day of "nuh uhhh" to your every little fact. And I am off to get a pair of ear plugs.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

How Sweet It Is...

I frequently bemoan life with food allergies on our blog, since they are such a huge part of our lives. We have quite the system to keep Ms. Morgan safe. Being a kindergartner, birthdays are a really big deal so there are frequently celebrations at school. We have a stash of cupcakes at Morgan's school so her teacher can just grab one out of the freezer and Morgan can take part of the fun. But isn't as much fun, being different is never fun. (I know this, I once worked on my hyena laugh for a whole weekend in elementary school so I could sound like everyone else, didn't work). She never complains about his, because she knows that the consequences of her eating what her friends are eating could mean her throat might close and her life could end without immediate intervention. (Yes, we've had that conversation). So you can imagine just how special it was when one of Morgan's sweet little friends told her mom that they would be having a celebration at school that Morgan could participate in COMPLETELY. Not eating something similar but eating what everyone else was. How sweet is this? How incredible that an almost 6 year old is so in touch with what her friend is feeling when she has to do something a little different than the group? It isn't the first time this little gal has gone out of her way to make sure Morgan's needs are not only met, but that Morgan is feeling good. So thank you AGAIN sweet little friend! You make this mama smile bigger than you could ever imagine....

Aidan's Version of Heaven...

Yep, on a digger AND wearing Star Wars pajamas. Does it get any better than this? If you were Aidan, you would think not!

Yes, I let my children leave the house in their pajamas. I'm on a "you live once, so enjoy it" kick!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Krafty Kearneys....

Regardless of my ridiculously poor ability to do crafts, we're still going to keep on trying! Progress is being made though, I'm happy to say!

Morgan and her little valentine frog! Notice she's in her pajamas, Morgan has a case of the "I go 500 million miles an hour during the week and on Fridays, I'm pooped!"
The Krafty Kearneys. Notice Aidan's pajamas. Aidan has a case of the "I love Star Wars and pajamas, so when I got a pair of Star Wars pajamas for my birthday, I knew you'd have to cut these off of me" Aidan was giving me a good giggle throughout the day. Since he was for a while the only person in his pajamas, he'd say things such as, "How about whoever is in their jammie shirt, gets to eat chocolate?" Also notice the homemade popsicles the kids made while I was in the shower. Yep, that would be frozen water, ohh yum! Nothing says February in Idaho like a big ice cube!
Yes, we did this. Am I proud, heck ya! The trees did fall over after this picture was taken so therefore our little treehouse had to get put up on our mantle like our other creations. We can't let the masses how see how much scotch tape we used when the directions didn't quite call for that!

These little Valentine's people are decorating what will be a candy bowl. They all had these little cute little printed Valentine's Day sayings, but Morgan didn't think they quite did the job. So she added her own saying, "You are crazy." I think I must tell my children that so often, in such a loving way, that they believe this is a true term of endearment. I can just fast forward in my mind, 20 years to when Morgan is finally allowed to date and she meets her dream-guy and gazes into his eyes and saying, "I think you are crazy!" Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day!