Sunday, November 18, 2012

Goings on...

Bookie's back!!! Oh thank goodness! If you don't know Bookie, he's our Elf who comes every holiday season and reports to Santa who's been good and who's been, well...interesting. Rumor has it, kids have leaned toward "interesting" rather than good recently, so I'm thinking Bookie might have needed to see it for himself... 

Aidan wants to impress Bookie so much, he's made it his mission to give the little guy diabetes. Seriously, could he possibly put more "stuff" on those cookies? I'm glad Bookie will be taking some to the North Pole tonight, I don't think Aidan's teeth or energy level can handle one more gram of sugar.

What did the Kearney's do today? Played an ENDLESS game of Monopoly. Their perseverance was impressive!

And what did I do today? Take an ENDLESS test. Thankfully passed! In the testing center, I really wanted to suddenly barf all over that dang computer and have it short out, I was certain I was failing... I have found that with all the procrastinating I did while "studying," my celebrity gossip knowledge and has expanded in obscene ways. The amount of random and useless information I am currently storing in my pea brain could go down in some type of embarrassing record book. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Blondie Soldiers...

We interupted our usual beloved "Jammie Friday" for a play date with a family who has kids the exact ages as ours and luckily in the same classrooms this year! Morgan headed to their house for some girl time and the boys took over Casa de Kearn. 

These two blonde kindergartners have been HILARIOUS! Talking non-stop, pledging "best friend-hood" multiple times, giggling, oh the giggling and spending the afternoon in pure make believe army man bliss. I met Sean's mom when both boys were in utero and we were slugging through pre-natal yoga. It's so fun to see this little friendships develop! 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Aidan J., continued...

Aidan and Morgan have been teasing each other all day... Aidan brought out the big guns and put his thoughts on paper.

Whoa kid, easy with the insults... I guess I should be happy he is challenged in the insult department! 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Aidan J.

Oh Aidan, how we love you so...

Somehow Aidan got ahold of the camera today. The word pride doesn't capture his feelings about getting a picture of commentators...

We had friends over for dinner tonight, someone partied a little too hard.

But Aidan managed to get this sweet shot of our first born, Byron Bay!

Please note the really tired dad/coach to the left of the table. And then take a gander at the even more tired clock gal. Those are my peeps, love them! Crazy, non brushed hair and all (Morgan's not Ryan's).

The big match up. I loved watching the offense guard the poop out of the defense. Yep, you heard it right, our team meant so much business on offense that we couldn't stand the thought of NOT guarding even though we should have been trying to score. I LOVE kindergarten basketball, nothing compares.

My two favorite guys. Again, if you need a giggle, kindergarten basketball is your answer.  The excitement, the hugging amongst teammates (mid play), the giggling (also mid play), the potty breaks, the grabbing the ball and just running (who knows to where), the looking to the mommys on the sideline for a thumbs up... absolutely nothing better!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween 2012

Another fun halloween goes down in the history books! Our spider woman and ninja had a fantastic time, cruising around the neighborhood on hay bales in trailers. No pictures from the potluck or actual trick or treating. I might have been too busy chatting, I know, weird. 

Blue candied tongue to go with her costume. Yes, we take things seriously around here. 

Beware the ninja!

Seriously, ninja man doesn't mess around. Luckily, spider-woman can hold her own. 

Artsy little posers we have... (Please disregard my dead plants).

Someone trying to outshine little brother? No, say it ain't so.

Even ninjas need kisses from mommy.

Roxy and Morgan! I volunteered to help out at Morgan's halloween party at school. Holy mac, I'm still sweaty from that. I don't know how teachers do it and Morgan has a pretty well mannered gaggle of classmates. In my 10 years as a social worker, I have dealt with some really, really intense situations. But I tell you what, nothing (not even being called into the hospital during the middle of the night) is as tiring as 24 2nd graders. The energy, the non-stop talking (I thought it was just Morgan), the energy (it bears repeating), the constant activity. Cheers to you teachers, there is no salary high enough. 

Sporty Around These Parts!

Morgan had her last soccer game of the season and Aidan had his FIRST basketball game last Saturday. What a fun day, full of cheering! 
Morgan is in U10 this year, playing against 4th graders! Word has it that kids in the North East end aren't getting enough vitamins or something because our team was teeny tiny compared to the girls they played this year. I think some might have been twice as tall as our little gal. But, like everything Morgan does, she was FEARLESS!

Look at that form! Makes a running mama proud!

I didn't get many good pictures of Aidan's game, it was early, very early! This week I'll be better and actually bring my camera. Darling doesn't quite capture just how cute this game was. There was lots of "traveling,"  a lot of hands raised for potty breaks, a lot of random running around in multiple directions and A LOT of enthusiasm!

Our little guy is number 8. Turns out 8 IS great! We are very proud of our little basketballer! He has decided he loves sports so much, he's now signed up for soccer in the spring. Yes, I'm officially a soccer mom, minus the mom jeans and minivan.

End of the season soccer party at Lucky 13. Now that Morgan is in U10, we had some new additions to our team. So much fun to get to know more girls (some of which are in our 'hood) and their parents. We are so lucky to be constantly surrounded by such good peeps.

Chloe and Morgan anxiously awaiting the medal ceremony!

High-fiving Coach Nick. He's the best, super encouraging and makes it all a lot of fun! He's been Morgan's "head" soccer coach, there is quite the coaching staff on Team Purple People Eaters, which makes for such a fun experience for all the girls.