Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Food Allergy Soap Box... I'll only be on it for a second!

If you have two seconds, literally that is how long this will take, please, please, please click on this link... http://www.faiusa.org/. Then click on "Advocacy," then when the drop box appears, please click on "Send a Letter to Congress." It's as easy as filling out your information and a letter will be sent in support of food allergy research!

**For those of you who don't know, Morgan has had anaphylactic reactions to peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, fish and eggs... Scary stuff, but we're proud of our little girl and how well she handles this condition and are always looking for ways to support this cause!

Morgan and her family thank you!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

One more post!

I'm a little obnoxious today with all this posting, but this was my favorite picture from the weekend... There's just something sweet about a daddy making dinner while camping, a daughter wearing her swim-suit all day, and a 2 1/2 year old boy refusing to take off his Cars underwear (while also tucking his swim shirt in so that the picture of the cars can be seen by all). While we were boating to the camp-site, Aidan was shouting into the wind, "I YIKE (like) CAAARRRSSS!"

The "other" Buddies...

Aidan's kind of been the "lone ranger" for a while, he hasn't been quite old enough to do all of the things the "big kids" are doing and all our Boise friends' second round of children have been a little too young for him to play with... Until now! He's pretty excited about his new friend Payton! Here are some fun pictures from this weekend... Of course, Aidan is naked (where is this kid's mother! Sheesh!), but that's kind of how he rolls...

I just noticed how Aidan is covered in dirt on one side... I swear we take care of this kid, but he gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, "boys will be boys!"

Dancing Machines!

One of our favorite things to do is load the kids in the bike-cart and head downtown... There's always something fun going on down there and it's sure to wear the kids out for a good night's sleep! (Before having kids I would have never believed how much time and effort is put into wearing kids out!) Last weekend, we ventured downtown to watch the Twilight Criterium (Aidan called it the "bikes go fast race") and the Eco-Brewfest for some live music. The kids had a blast dancing to the live music and playing in the fountain in between watching the races.


Lately Morgan has been on a "girl power" kick. There are lots of comments like, "girls rule and boys drool," and my personal favorite, since it's something I used to say when I was little, "girls go with girls and boys go with boys." There are a couple of exceptions to her girl-centered world, and one of them is Morgan's buddy Ryder! She has loved him since he was born and she was five months old. These two giggle at everything (most of which we can't really understand what is so funny) and have such fun together. Watch out world, these two are going to be trouble!

This last weekend up at Lucky Peak... A chair collapsing on you can keep these two entertained for hours!

Another Lucky Peak shot of these two, rewind by a couple of years.

Bathing beauties....

Where the friendship began.... Infanthood!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Morgan Can Wake Surf?

I stole these pictures from Molly's blog... I had to post because I just can't believe all of the things that Morgan has been trying lately! She's growing so fast... Too fast!

Here she is "practicing!"

Trying to get up....

And up! She went for quite a while before saying, "okay, I'm done!"

Monday, July 13, 2009

Summer Fun!!

As I mentioned before, we had a great weekend up at the Hamilton Cabin! We are so lucky to have such fun friends to raise our kids with! As you can see from the pics, the kids had a blast... Although I don't have a picture of Morgan wake-surfing with her dad, she has told me repeatedly that was the highlight of her trip (and playing non-stop with Meredith of course!) Thanks Hamilton's for a great weekend!

I overheard Morgan telling Meredith after their pony riding adventure, "My Papa Bob has a horse named George, my Papa is a cowboy and I am a cowgirl!"

Aidan doing his best impression of a rough and tough cowboy!

Sometimes I forget Meredith is a whole year and a half younger than Morgan, she's always up for any adventure!

Giddy up!

Morgan caught a fish! She was really excited to tell Papa Jeff about this, since he bought her this pole a while ago and I have filled her in on all my great fishing memories with him when I was a little girl!

Aidan probably said, "Guess what? I play basketball" five million times this weekend.... He took a break from thinking about basketball for a couple of minutes so he could fish.

Aidan has mastered the "say cheese" face!

Mommy and Morgan

Ryan teaching the kids the ropes!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Lost in Translation...

We just got home from a FANTASTIC weekend at the Hamilton Cabin (pictures will come once I figure out how to get them off my new fancy-bedancy phone, technology and I are not friends!). Molly and I had a great time mountain biking with two other ladies (one of whom I had briefly met once before, the other I just met right before the ride). At the end of our bike ride, we switched diaper duty with the boys and they hit the mountain trails. While we were getting ready for the beach, Morgan told my mountain biking partners (who had just met me) while out of my ear shot that "my mommy has been to jail before!"

WHAT?!? Yes, in my 32 years, I've had lots of adventures, however, none of them have included being incarcerated! That night while I was tucking her into bed, I asked her why she told our new friends that I had been to jail before. She innocently replied, "Because you told me you go there for work sometimes." True, I have as a SOCIAL WORKER visited inmates for MY JOB! Important detail that she left out!

So Boise and beyond... be warned that if Morgan tells you a "story" you just might want to do some fact checking! She also told Jesse this weekend that her "mom eats a lot of food, sometimes 60 pieces a day." That's wonderful that in the eyes of my daughter I am an overeating, law-breaker! Being Morgan's mom is truly an adventure, one that is never boring!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I see a theme here...

Just hanging on the beach with Jeremy... What? This isn't a nude beach?

It was a hot day... Clothing optional scooter riding was in order!

It's so much fun to have the Headlees and Bordners over that Aidan gets naked!! Wahoo!

I can't wait to show these pictures to Aidan's first girlfriend!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July Weekend!!

We had a great Fourth of July weekend! Morgan celebrated her independence by learning to ride her bike WITHOUT training wheels and by going behind the boat in the inner tube WITHOUT a parent! Really exciting for her, really stressful for mom... Aidan has decided that he officially wears "big boy underwear," and he's pretty proud of himself. I got asked a lot this weekend, "I a big boy, wight mama?"

There she goes!

Daddy giving some pointers!

Why would you wear pants when you're cruising the 'hood on your sister's princess scooter?

Mommy and her blue eyed boy!

The kids and I put on Ryan's suncreen. I think we did a pretty good job, right? Sorry Ryan!

We celebrated the 4th at the Ramstad's!

The boys...

We're going to have watch these two, Aidan's in love...

The ladies... Thanks for a fun night Ramstads!