Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Swine Flu - Morgan Style

The Kearneys were lucky enough to develop the joy of the season, also known as "Swine Flu" or H1N1. Fortunately, it wasn't that bad of a virus and the kids are doing great. Morgan, however, was developing some respiratory issues and was put on an anti-biotic and a nebulizer because of the concern of her developing pneumonia. If you're going to have to use a nebulizer, why not do your best Taylor Swift impersonation and butcher every song with phrases like, "she's the peer leader and I on the keetcher" (aka "She's the cheer leader while I'm on the bleacher") while you are doing your breathing treatment? That's my girl! I think when I grow up I want to be Morgan, you just can't get this girl down!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Carving Pumpkins - Aidan Style (in other words with no pants on)

As you can see from my previous post, I'm not ready for winter! Fall is usually my favorite season, but after a little ditty of swine flu in the Kearney home, I'm just not feeling it! Regardless of my ill will, we still have to celebrate the season. And in true Kearney fashion, Aidan made our evening of Halloween preparations "a pants optional affair!"

Morgan's pumpkin is fierce (the one on the left!)

I said "pose," and here's what they gave me. America's Next Top Model anyone?

Maybe we should have bought Aidan a Hulk Hogan outfit and Morgan a monkey ballerina costume.

Someday, waiting for the school bus is going to be a miserable for this guy unless he changes his dress code.

We miss you summer....

I just love this picture of the kids and Ryan, enjoying live music and a summer night... Summer, why must you leave us??

Sunday, October 25, 2009

College Reunion!

Fourteen years ago I made a really good decision (thanks in part to my sister-in-law Heather!)... I joined a sorority and met some of the best friends a girl can have. A small group of us recently met up for a miniature reunion in Portland where Liz and Erinne live. A LOT has changed in 14 years, you know, little things like mortgages, spouses, children, wrinkles (or "deep laugh lines" as I like to call them) etc. however, some things haven't changed.... When we get together, we laugh, A LOT. I didn't take a ton of pictures because I was just having too much fun. Thank you for everything ladies! How far we have come...

p.s. A big thank you to my wonderful husband, who not only took excellent care of those wild children of ours, but even cleaned the whole house before I got home...

Liz, Me, Erinne, Mollie and Nicole...

Liz is going to absolutely hate me for posting this, but it's very appropriate. Liz was in a HORRIBLE skiing accident last January and has undergone 4 surgeries and has more to come... She was such a trooper, and has the best attitude a person could possibly have. I am in awe of this girl. Anyway, this picture captures her attitude...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Our last hurrah

Sadly last night was probably the last evening until spring where we'll get to ride our bikes downtown for an outdoor dinner, while the kids run around the Center on the Grove like mad-men! Last night, Aidan was really excited to watch a couple of teenage kids doing tricks on their bicycles. He really wanted to go tell them he thought they were "pwetty kewl." So we walked over towards them and he yelled out, "I YUV (love) YOU!" to the boys. And kept saying it! I don't know which was funnier, that this 2 1/2 year old boy is telling teenage boys that he loves them or that the 2 1/2 year old boy's mother then got really protective. The teenagers asked if Aidan was really telling them that he loved him, to which I replied, "no, he said that he thinks you guys are doing a good job." Then I tried to give Aidan my best "c'mon, be cool" look, which didn't work because he just kept shouting, "I YUV YOU!!" I have a gut feeling that that I am going to be "that mom." You know, the one who tries to be cool, but just isn't. Good luck Morgan and Aidan, it's going to be a long ride!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I only have a couple of pictures from the Kearney part of the trip, but after the 60th anniversary party we ventured over to Mercer Island to visit the Kearneys! It was a rare treat because all of Jim's siblings (and one of Ryan's counsins) were in town... Maureen and her daughter Kim live in Manhattan, Paul lives in Portland and Joan lives in San Diego. It was fun to see everyone and the kids had a great time with their cousins!

That's nice Aidan.

They are all smiling nicely! If only I could remember what we bribed them with so I can use it again!!

60 years...

This last weekend, we celebrated my grandparent's 60th wedding anniversary! What an accomplishment... To be married for 60 years is one thing, but to still be in love, is an entirely different thing and something that I am so blessed to be able to witness. If I have half as many people who love me and have a quarter as many great memories as my grandparents have had, it will mean I have lived an incredible life! My grandparents mean the world to me and it was honor to be a part of the celebration!!

Morgan LOVES playing with her cousins!

Aidan and Grandma relaxing at the cabin before the party... Aidan's happy, can you tell?

Aidan had to get in on the action! Is that a seal on the right? Nope, just Morgan not wanting to be left out.

There was lots of dancing... Aidan is quite the little dance partner!

Grandpa Bob and Grandma Dolly. I sure hope they passed some of those genes onto me... We love you two crazy kids!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

16 year old Aidan is going to hate me for this...

I feel like I am constantly stealing pictures from the Hamilton's blog, but Molly just always gets such classic pictures of our children (Ryan included!)... When Aidan is 16, I am going to have a great time tormenting him with all of these pictures! He just loves Meredith's baby doll and why wouldn't you want to snooze with your new "friend" while staying in a cabin in McCall? It was good practice for him, as Stacie, our beloved and wonderful child care provider just came back from maternity leave with her adorable son, Max. From reports so far, Aidan has been very gentle and sweet to his new buddy and likes to "pet" him!
I love that they have matching facial expressions!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Just a couple of random pictures....

As glad as we are to see the snow start to fly in the mountains so that we'll all be skiing together as a family for the first year, we're a little sad to say good-bye to summer... Here are some shots from our last moments of good weather!

Hyde Park Street Fair took face-painting to a whole new level!

This kid is NUTS about sports!

And these kids are NUTS about their dad!

Mr. Smiley

I wonder why Morgan thinks she's 6 instead of 5...

Probably because we celebrated her birthday on multiple occasions! We have thoroughly confused her and will be sure to only celebrate her birthday during the actual week from now on! Here are some pictures from the various celebrations... Thank you everyone for making 5 years a special occasion for our little girl!

Little Gym Party with her buddies!

Friends all in a row!

Little monkey...

School celebration at Garabatos!

School friends and Morgan's wonderful teacher, Ms. Veronica....

The Mountain Man....

Does Ryan have Cankles? No... Has he recently eaten too much and it's all settled in his ankles? No... Has he forgotten to shower after tromping through the dirt? No... Ryan's foot is swollen and "dirty looking" (it's actually a bruise!) because he got a sprained ankle this weekend chopping down trees with our good friend Jesse. I have to say I am glad that Ryan was a little cautious and ran like the wind when the tree was coming down, but I'm not glad he fell in a hole and now has a nasty sprain! I do have to note, he's being a trooper about it and is currently cleaning the house while I post this... Hmmm... Maybe he should sprain his ankle more often?
p.s. A HUGE thank you to Jesse who continued to "mountain man" it up and filled our trailer with firewood! We owe you one!!