Monday, January 31, 2011

Papa's girl....

I think I mentioned before, we had another great visit with the Kirkland Kearney's. The kids LOVE having visitors, especially when they come in the form of grandparents. There's only about a billion giggles that can be heard throughout the house when Mema and Papa are here. We so appreciate them making the big trek over here to give our little ones some extra love....

Papa not only loves to color almost as much as Morgan, but he likes to participate in the daily beautification process. Morgan loves having a new audience to bestow her 500 million random facts to and luckily for us, Papa likes to hear it!


I am in heaven, absolute heaven. This is what I have been working like a mad-woman to be able to do and I'm just so happy I have to share. This morning marked the first Monday in a long time where it wasn't rush, rush, rush, get the kids dressed (in whatever we could find), grab a meal for the car, hurry, hurry, hurry, because this Monday marks the first day of my "new gig." That's right, back to being a contractor where I make my own hours, make my own schedule AND do a lot of work from home! Granted, this meant I spent all Sunday alternating between catching 4 year old vomit in my cupped hands and typing reports, but how great it is it to be able to do both at the same time AND be in my pajamas all day? I know, I have a bizarre concept of heaven, but people, this is mine!
Aidan was pretty excited about this turn of events too, so we had to capture it. Get used to my new look, no makeup, pajamas and a BIG smile! Aidan is supposed to be at preschool this morning, but I think we'll keep those barf-germs to ourselves for another day or two!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hip Hip Hooray!!!

We've been having adventures in preschool around here. We LOVED Morgan's preschool, I mean LOVED that place. It was comforting, fun, she learned a ton, it was a Spanish immersion program with a huge emphasis on nature and science and Morgan learned such confidence there. We thought we'd be living in another part of town (but ended up really close to our old house), we thought I'd be working a more regular schedule and needed a longer day program (but I ended up quitting my job), so anyway, we enrolled Aidan in a different preschool not knowing all of the things that would have happened inside those parenthesis! Morgan was at the new school over the summer with him, which went great and we thought we'd made a good choice. Until she left to kindergarten and then our shy, little sensitive boy had a really rough time because it was a bigger school and lots of potential for A-man to get lost in the shuffle (which he did). We made a decision that you only live once, so you'd better enjoy it. So we took him out and had our old nanny Stacie come back into our lives while I transitioned out of my job and to help since I will still work a little (another reason to say hooray!). Luckily for us, Morgan's old school made a spot for us and Aidan has not only happily enrolled, but he's THRIVING! Hence the Hip, hip, hooray! I stayed the first day with him and they served a snack of roasted potatoes, spinach, cucumber, red pepper and oranges and every kid ate it. Seriously, I love this place! It's like coming home for all us, many of the younger siblings of Morgan's classmates are there and I just love this group of parents. All of the parents went out of their way to help their children welcome Aidan and I am truly grateful!

For Aidan's birthday celebration, Mema and Aidan led an art project. He was pretty excited to be the leader and Mema of course has the best ideas to share!
It's not a birthday at Garabatos without a pinata! Look at that smile! I love it. Aidan informed me tonight, "I really yike those kids at school, dey (they) are really nice!"
Checking out the ice cream cone cupcakes that only Mema could make....

The whole group. I love that they sit around this little table, this closeness is just what Aidan needed to not get lost in the shuffle. So again, hip hip hooray! Phew, now what should I worry about? (ha!)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

We've got a 4 year old!!!

Our baby is 4? How did this happen? It feels like just yesterday we were loving on this little baby, with a grumpy old man, pouty face. While I miss my little snuggler, I sure am proud of the sweet, kind, sensitive and loving little boy we have. Happy birthday to you Aidan. We absolutely love you more than you will ever know!

Aidan was on a mission. Presents were opened in mere minutes and the excitement was turned on!
Papa Jim teaching an invaluable golf lesson!
Aidan got his first set of clubs. Could that little bag be any cuter? Luckily, we live extremely close to a golf course. I have a feeling there are going to be a lot of trips down the hill for this!

Our family. Could I love these peeps anymore? I think not. Also note the copious amounts of sprinkles on top. My kind of guy, the more sugar the better.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

If you want to do something good....

Then Run 4 Hawley! I didn't have the pleasure of meeting Hawley in person, but she was a dear friend of one of my dear friends. Hawley was my age and a mother to two very young, beautiful children. Hawley's life ended too early after a courageous battle with cancer.... Being a mother myself, I can't imagine how you say good-bye to your child and know that you would not be able to see them grow up. Being a child who lost my mother at a young age, I know what it means to not grow up with someone you are supposed to. The least I can do for this beautiful family is to help spread the word.... So if you live in Wenatchee, visit Wenatchee, or can get to Wenatchee on April 16, 2011, go and RUN 4 HAWLEY! Event details are here...

Monday, January 10, 2011

It's tiring being (almost) 4...

After our day of watching the inauguration, hitting the library and museum.... Aidan was pooped. He fell asleep in the car at 5 p.m. after dropping Ryan off downtown and slept until 8 a.m. the next morning! Luckily, he's gotten into a habit of putting his pajamas on at 3 p.m. everyday so he was ready for bed...

I kept moving him around the house, trying to get him to wake up. It was reminding me of "Weekend at Bernies." Morgan was pretty entertained by my antics, at least someone was! When I took off his coat, I was only a little shocked to find a flashlight turned on, resting inside his coat against his stomach. Why not? At least he's prepared!

Only in Idaho...

If you know me at all, you know that I LOVE living in Idaho! I love just about everything about it. I love that we live so close to downtown, I love that I used to ride my bike to work everyday, I love living in the foothills, I love being so close to great outdoors (and the weather actually cooperates so you can enjoy them), I love that there are no lines, no waiting lists, and I love that there really isn't much pretense. I received another reminder how much I love this state on Friday, during a morning outing to the post office, on our way to the art museum, the kids I literally stumbled upon the Governor's inauguration. Regardless of who you vote for, it's pretty cool to be able to take a little teeny slice of a civics lesson and teach it to your kids, while it's actually happening!

And Aidan sure thought "does guys wit swords are kewwwwl (translation, Aidan really liked that he saw a real person pointing a real sword)!!!" Thank you Idaho for another really great day...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A boy and his dog....

Both of our children are HUGE Byron fans.... It's not hard to love this goofy, over-excitable, loyal and sweet tempered old boy. Nine years ago on New Years Eve, he helped seal the deal for me to say "yes," to the biggest question I've ever been asked. So it's clear to see, the guy is playing a pretty big role in our family.

Aidan has decided that falling asleep in his bed just doesn't quite compare to falling asleep in the hallway, on top of his dog. Byron is pretty soft, can't say I blame him too much. This a picture I could take every night, because it's becoming quite the routine!

This is Aidan's, "MOM! Leave me alone!" look. I get it often. Get used to it buddy. I'm going to be in your grill until well.... forever!

Welcome 2011!!!!

We rang in the New Year with great friends, fantastic food and more than a couple of laughs. It was a wonderful way to say good-bye to 2010 and welcome in 2011. We started the day out with hitting Bogus Basin for the fourth time that week, which I think is a new record for our family! Then headed to the Bordners for a sushi feed! Of course we stayed up too late and paid dearly on New Year's Day, but like all Borney parties, it was worth it! My favorite part of the night was without a doubt the impromptu dance party in Ryder's room. Unfortunately, no pictures were taken, you'll have to take my word for it that this group can DANCE!

These two just crack me up. Isla and Payton are developing a friendship like none other. They are just too cute.
Showing their love for each other!
The group making our feast!!

Could Morgan look ANY more tired? Probably not.

Me in group shot. Ryan said my big head was blocking him, sad to say, he was right! I also didn't get any pictures of the late night shenanigans, but again, you'll have to trust me, there was a lot of laughing.