Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Eosinophilic Esophagitis - Two big words we hope we won't have to learn how to pronounce!

To know the Kearney family is to know food allergies... Morgan has struggled with food allergies and eczema her entire life. So it wasn't that huge of a shock when she had a "reaction" last Monday. Luckily, we live 5 minutes from St. Luke's and we were able to get her treated and back to her happy, goofy self within an hour. The shocking part of the reaction came because she was eating a bagel and cream cheese for breakfast, which she eats every morning. I've even called the manufacturers of the food to make sure there is no risk for cross-contamination, so we were wondering what in the world could have caused this reaction, the hoarse voice, the hacking cough, etc. So we made an appointment with our allergist (I hope he's enjoying the second home we have probably financed by now!) and we were doubly shocked when he told us that he didn't think she had a reaction, rather, she may have a condition called Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EE). He referred us to a Pediatric Gastroenterologist. In one way, we were slightly relieved to possibly receive this diagnosis, because it's really scary to think that a food that was "safe" yesterday, is not "safe" today, but also worried about what this new diagnosis might mean for us and our little girl. We met with Pediatric G.I. this afternoon and he suspects she may have EE, however, he also told us that EE probably wouldn't have caused that "reaction." So we're back to square one. So she maybe did have a reaction? And now maybe she has this new disorder? Needless to say, we're a little sad that we might be adding something else our list of things to worry about regarding Morgan. We'll have a scope and biopsy on Wednesday morning. It's a procedure where she'll be put under, which she overheard the doctor explaining, so her anxiety is a little high. But like everything else, she is putting on her bravest little face and warding off any fears with goofiness (at one point in the appointment today, she had a ribbon wrapped around her forehead and plastic gloves on her ears, while dancing. I mean, why wouldn't you do that?). Anyway, keep our little bug in your thoughts and prayers and hopefully, you won't hear me trying to learn how to say Eosinophilic Esophagitis.

Monday, September 21, 2009

The first of many Mommy/Aidan date days...

Since little A-man arrived 2 1/2 years ago, both Ryan and I have made big efforts to still do individual activities with Morgan... Aidan is finally at an age where he has definite interests and wants some one-on-one time with Mom and Dad. Now that Morgan is back in school, Aidan and I have "date" day on Mondays... Today was the first one and I think it was a success! (We're both sunburnt and exhausted!!) There was story time at the library, an endless game of tennis at the park, picnic and reading new books in the shade, and we even did a little shopping. Aidan picked out a gigantic magnifying lense... Interesting choice for an always entertaining child!

After dropping Morgan off at school, we're off! He was so excited he didn't even care that we left dodo (his pacifier) at home.

This is when we decided to play some basketball with a tennis ball... In case you can't tell, according to Aidan, these are "bashkwetbawl" (basketball) pants...

Taking a water break! It was such a fun day, I'm one lucky mommy!! Looking forward to our next date Mr. Kearney Jr.!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Stanley, ID

After our race, we drove to Stanley, Idaho. Hands down, one of the most gorgeous places I have ever been. Needless to say, we had a blast! We stayed in great little cabins right on the river... We'll be back!

The view from the cabins...

I'm sitting down because it was impossible for me to walk...

Another view shot!

Laura, Brooke and I enjoying some much deserved adult beverages. This was the brief moment that I stood up post-race!

Our cabin! It was so cute and cozy, we loved it!

On Sunday, we went to a hot spring to soak the legs... The girls soaked while the guys did some fly-fishing!

It looks odd to see someone laying in the river, but with the mixture of the hotsprings and the cold river water, the temperature was absolutely perfect!

I Ran A Marathon!!!

Those of you who have spent any time with me at all this summer have heard me talk non-stop about a little event taking place on September 12th in Salmon, Idaho (sorry everyone, it has kind of consumed me!). After running the Sawtooth Relay, Laura and I had the idea to run the Salmon Marathon! I ran a marathon in college, however, I had always promised myself that I would run one after I was done having children. I figured now was as good of a time as any. What I didn't think about was how difficult it would be to schedule in hours of running every week while working, raising two young children, being a wife, etc. THANKFULLY, I married a very supportive husband, who was willing to do more than his fair share while I ran, ran, ran. (I started to feel like Forrest Gump). Despite all my worries of not training enough, I enjoyed a fantastic race!

The kids were home with Mema and Papa while we made the big trek to Salmon, Idaho! Thank you Mema and Papa for allowing us to have a "are we there yet?" free trip!

Laura and I, the night before the race. Unfortunately for me, I am an IDIOT and ate the world's largest burger. I couldn't figure out why everyone told me that was a bad idea until I got to about mile 2 and the rumble in my belly started... I'll spare you the details, but mile 2-13 was rough!

I think this shot was at about mile 23.

Holding my long sleeve t-shirt about to throw it to the 'port team! It was FREEZING at the beginning of the run, but it's amazing how 26 miles will warm you up!

Finish line! My goal was 4 hours flat, but I'll take this time! About a 9:30 mile...

I kind of felt famous having a videographer!

If there were captions above our heads with our thoughts, I think they would say something like this... Mine, "where's the bathroom?" Laura's, "where's the beer garden?" Jed's, "what was I thinking when I signed up for this ONE WEEK AGO!"

What a great husband!

Our great friend Brooke was husband-less for the weekend since he was getting his fill of football in Seattle for the weekend, which was great for us, since she decided to join in on the fun! We're so glad she came, she and Ryan had fun getting really lost in Salmon trying to find the race! We're glad you came Brooke!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Yep, she's a big girl!

Here are a couple of shots taken this weekend of Morgan doing some "big girl" things...

Morgan tied her own shoe!!! You have no idea how exciting that is when you are new five year old...

Rollerskating in the 'hood. If anyone knows where one can purchase "princess" elbow, wrist and knee pads, I know of a little girl who would be forever grateful.

I think I might need back surgery from the constant catching of "almost falls."

Sunday, September 6, 2009


I think Molly said it best... When having a sad moment or a stressful day, I'm going to be watching this video for a little pick-me-up.


Aidan loves his big sister. So much so that on Friday when we were getting ready to run some errands, he INSISTED that he and Morgan match... Here's what they put together. (p.s. Aidan calls this shirt his "yongyorns" aka Longhorns. I can't get enough of "toddlerspeak!")

Rose Lake Vacation

We just got back from a relaxing and fun weekend on Rose Lake, which is in North Idaho. We rented a beautiful cabin on the lake with the Kearney/Fosseen crew. We had so much fun, it's been hard to get back into the swing of things! I'll post some better pictures later once I get them from Shannon and her super-duper camera! Next up for the Kearney's, I run the Salmon Marathon on the 12th!

The cabin we stayed in was perfect! It had gorgeous views of the lake.

My favorite time of the day, S'more time! Unfortunately for Aidan, he was usually fast asleep by this point. Playing golf, bocce ball and throwing rocks into the lake all day is tiring when you are 2 1/2!

Here's the party boy, all partied out! This picture makes me laugh, Aidan had snuck away from all the action and was having some "blankie-dodo (dodo is the name of his pacifier) time. I love that he is wearing a party hat.

Ryan, deep in thought.

Aidan was already out for the night. 3/4's of the Kearneys!

The lake was this calm all day, whether it was 8 a.m. or 6 p.m. Needless to say, the skiing and wake-boarding was fantastic! We have been thoroughly ruined now for the choppy waves of Lucky Peak!

Daddy and his girl!

Muscle Girl! This girl was crazy for inner-tubing behind the boat.

She even tried water-skiing, she had some great attempts. I think next year might be the year! There's nothing more exciting than watching your child try something new!

She's FIVE! I feel like we were just bringing her home from the hospital, Ryan and I looking at each other and thinking, "now what?" I'll never forget how Ryan drove 5 m.p.h. home from the hospital. Thank goodness we only live one mile from St. Luke's or we'd still probably be en-route. We're proud of the little person Morgan is turning into to. She may have some dramatic moments and be an all around spit-fire, but I wouldn't want my little girl to be any other way!

Hot August Nights - McCall, Idaho

Ryan and I are so lucky to have such a fantastic group of friends in Boise. div>It's been so much fun to watch all of us go from young marrieds to old, haggard parents... Well, maybe not that old and only sometimes haggard, like when we have newborns or a sick child. We all have missed being able to carry on a conversation without being interupted by the constant demands of our children. Conversations lately have been like this lately, "Hi so and so, how are, Aidan stop hitting your sister with that golf club, you doing?" (Disclaimer: not all of our friends are old, haggard parents, but it sure was nice to be able to hang out with them!) The Hamiltons had the great idea of hosting a weekend with only adults, and the result was Hot August Nights. We were all pretty excited and let me tell you, it was a weekend to remember. My stomach has never had such a great workout from all the laughing that went on... Thank you to our Boise friends for being such an incredible group and such an important part of our lives! (Sorry the pics are so small, I stole them from friends' blogs and facebook since I forgot our camera).

The first night was the dance party... Since I guess that's what you do when you have a kid-free night? I had no idea Jesse had so many moves...

Second evening on the beach, enjoying the beauty of Payette Lake.

A little later in the evening. I look like I am crushing poor Karen. Too many hot dogs consumed!

Hands down, favorite part of the trip! J.J. was wake-surfing and invited Ryan to join him. I still can't believe how long they lasted on the board together. Best quote of the weekend was when J.J. said that having Ryan on the board was that it was like holding onto a baby, "a 100 pound baby." Therefore, I now lovingly refer to my husband as the "100 pound baby."

View of the cabins from the lake!

Tumble Creek with the Foster Family!

We are finally back from our month of vacation! We had such a fantastic August, we visited the Fosters in Tumble Creek, which is east of Seattle near Roslyn, had a "parents only" weekend in McCall, and finished with a week of vacation on Rose Lake with the Kearneys, where Morgan TURNED FIVE!

The Knoll home is on the golf course, which to Aidan is like Disneyland/Heaven/Paradise, all wrapped into one. In the evening after the last official golfers wrapped up, the Foster/Kearney crew headed to the course for some fun! All during the day, we heard from Aidan, "I wanna go put the ball in da' hole" over and over and over. Tiger Woods, watch out!

A family picture after a little hike! The area is absolutely gorgeous!

The lodge in the distance. Ryan and I were lucky enough to be able to get away with Jon and Heather for a "kids free" dinner. We had the best meal and a lot of laughs, of course!

The kids' dinner table. I think there was more giggling than eating going on over here....

Birthday Celebration #1. Of course you would wear a cinderella dress with a foof headband to open presents! I know I do that every year too!

This is my second favorite picture of the trip. Uncle Jonny and Aidan are watching golf, of course (you call tell by the grin on Aidan's face)! Just two buddies hanging out!

This is my first favorite picture! Great Grandpa Bob was such a good sport to play non-stop with Aidan and Cassie. I think this game was called "hit Papa Bob with the ball over and over." The kids love their Papa Bob.

Some parents raise their children, saying "what would Jesus do?" We are raising Morgan by the "what would Noelle do?" method. Morgan idolizes Noelle, and we're pretty happy about that because Noelle is one of the sweetest little girls we know. The girls have so much fun together, I can't wait to see them grow up together and the adventures they will have!

Papa and Grandma with some of their grandkids! The kids LOVE to play with Papa and Grandma!

I don't what the fascination is with my family and conga lines, but it's a rare family get-together that this little number doesn't get broken out!