Sunday, May 15, 2011

Super Aidan (Again)

I was feeling a little guilty that I left Aidan out of the last couple of posts, but never fear, Aidan is here and crazy as ever! The costume kick has not left our house and he is continuing to surprise us with his combinations! Oh this boy....

Super Aidan.
Even super boys love their mom.

Aidan has recently decided that he must always dress like daddy. Church this morning was no exception! I had to admit these two were quite the dapper duo, not to forget Morgan, who also thought wearing white was a must!

Sage International School Spring Performance

Morgan's school had their end of the year performance last week. I have to admit, I was expecting a lot of the same old song and dance from when I was a kid. And I also have to admit, that before the show started, I was wondering if anyone would notice if we snuck out the back door once Morgan's performance was over. But I was gleefully mistaken, it was FANTASTIC! Ms. Summervil has done absolute wonders with these kids. I have never seen anything like it, except maybe on an episode of "Glee." These kids were playing instruments like pros, dancing their little hearts out and had obviously spent hours and hours getting ready for this show. In an age where most schools are getting rid of music and the arts, I am so happy that we are at Sage International!

Morgan playing the bongo with the accompaniment of the rest of the kindergartners!
Marimba craziness! It was unreal, these kids were great!
A close up of our little lady!
This was my favorite. Ms. Summervil trying to prove that recorders can be funky! This was to an Elton John song, where the kids had a dance performance and also rocked out with the recorders, loved it!
A little band in the making.
And even a young Ryan Kearney was there! Middle row, far left. The kid even dressed like Ryan used to!

The kids sang the cutest French song, one that Morgan is CONSTANTLY belting out in our house. I'd write the name, but I have no idea what it is! My other favorite song the kids sang with an all kid band accompaniment, Green Day's "21 Guns." I can't wait for next years show!!!

And.... She scores!!!!

Morgan had her last day of soccer on Saturday, what a fun experience it was for all of us! She had been talking about wanting to score a goal from the second I signed her up and has been in the mix doing her best to get the job done. Fortunately, she has some really great players on her team, which she has learned a lot from. However, it's pretty hard to get a goal scored because these dynamos can't help but score goal after goal after goal! BUT she finally did it! She was so proud of herself, mom couldn't help but get a tear in her eye!

Team awards!
In the white jersey here... She's a runner!
The look of determination!
Teammates! This last game Morgan got her legs intertwined with her self-declared best friend Erin. Erin is one of the dynamos and is probably one of the most talented and driven little girls I have ever seen. Morgan fell and Erin had a clear shot at the goal but instead of going for it, Erin stopped to make sure Morgan was okay and help her up. I just love that, teamwork at it's best!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bike Ridin'!

Morgan outgrew her last bicycle, so Ryan helped her post her old bike on craigslist and she was responsible for the "negotiating." In other words, she was responsible for saying "yes" when she was offered a figure. (We need to work on her negotiation skills!) And then she picked out another bike and was responsible for asking for a "deal." (She did better with this task!) It's a mountain bike and only has hand brakes and gears, so needless to say, pretty exciting stuff!

Checking it out! Of course in her soccer attire, because hey, you gotta let the world know you when you are a soccer star, right?

And she's off! We had a fun dinner at our neighbor's house, the Hill's! Both of the kids had a blast and the adults had a really great time too. And, more s'mores. It must be a neighborhood thing!

Simply the best!

For the second year in a row, I worked at the hospital on Mother's Day. Apparently, I am not very good at dates because I didn't realize this until just last week, this holiday has a way of sneaking up on me! I have to admit, I was a little whiny to myself on the way to the ER. But I soon realized how many patients are moms and how many moms there are in hospitals across the world, wishing for a Mother's Day miracle for a cure for their child. So really, how can I complain about eight hours of doing something I love? Plus, my Mother's Day celebration was well worth the wait!

This was the sign that greeted me when I walked in the door. "Go down the stairs." But first I had to put on a special spa outfit.

A fun little spread also awaited me. The flowers were compliments of Brooke, thank you!!!

The nail painting station. I am currently sporting five finger nails that are silver and five that are sparkly pink. It's a very mature look!

The massage table. I am currently a noodle! Aidan thought he should tickle my feet instead of massage, but I'll take it!
They even decorated the walls!

I haven't had a pedicure in a while so this was MUCH needed. Thank you Aidan!

My boys made a fantastic spread!

And of course s'mores! Being Aidan and Morgan's mom is the best job in the world. And luckily for me, I have someone to share parenting with that makes it all so much more fun, easy and rewarding. Love to my peeps.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Fire Pit!

Pretty much since the day we moved into our house, which was a year ago, Ryan has been talking NON-STOP about covering the hot tub pad with a fire pit area. Since I recently quit my job, I wasn't too keen on doing any expensive home improvement projects. But my desire to save money was outweighed by my desire to stop hearing about a.) how inexpensive this project would really be and b.) all the of the different options for installing a gas fire pit-thingy. I do have to say, some of my favorite memories were made around our fire pit at our old house, so okay, I admit it, you were right Ryan. Good job!

I am forseeing a lot of s'mores in my future.

Oooohhhh fire! Minus the smoke! Added bonus of gas.... Our great friends Andy and Karen came over Friday night to enjoy! As much as we love staying up late laughing, I'm not sure how pleased our neighbors were...

What? More s'mores? And more carhart! Aidan has become a daddy's boy, through and through.

Spring is here! At least it was on Sunday!

We have been craving some vitamin D around here... Well, at least the rest of Boise is. I am still covered in the most beautiful rash so I can't say I mind that it's not "shorts" weather yet. Unless I can convince that my polka-dotted, Dr. Seuss look is charming, I'll be covering the ole bod for a while!

Ms. Morgan blinded by the light! We took a hike to Table Rock, it's quite the staple outing in our house.

Super-Aidan and Super-Dad checking out the views and trying to spot any crime that they could intervene on.

Mommy and her girl. I could snuggle this kid for hours!

The whole family! How lucky are we to have this view in our backyard?!?
Super hero spotting in the neighborhood!

Here he comes!