Thursday, March 10, 2016

Houston... We've got a 9 year old.

Cue the broken record, but seriously. How did this happen? 9? Aidan is NINE!
Looking at this baby boy's picture just kills me. Absolutely kills me. What I wouldn't give for one more little snuggle that with that love. That being said, I am so incredibly proud of the sweet boy we have.
In anticipation of a fun weekend with Mema and Papa up at the cabin, the kids and I left Thursday night for a long weekend of fun. A 4 1/2 hour car ride (should have been 2), through a blizzard, as my windshield wiper flew off, thinking we most certainly weren't going to survive... We made it! And the powder WAS worth it. But I did think we were in a country song for a bit.
Cabin view NEVER gets old... Guess what is booked already for 2016/2017 ski season? YOW!
Egg free and high altitude baking = purple cake. Oh don't you judge.

The party continued after we got back from McCall with this sweet gal....
How do you know your 9 year old is being raised by a social worker? They develop their own behavior modification system, that's how. Proud mommy. Our therapeutic milieu is coming along quite nicely.
And back to the cabin.
And back to the purple cake.
Oh jeez, this pics are out of order. So pretend like this a VHS tape on rewind. The aftermath of a $20 cake in your face bet!
I hate to admit it but I was kind of jealous. Face cake smashing, why not!
Mema upped the ante and had him make a snow angel. Amazing what a sugar high can get you to do!
Quite possibly the most fun birthday moment. Mema is the BEST!

And the bet!

Aidan proves  the saying, "Time flies when you are having fun." He has quite possibly the kindest, sweetest heart. He works so hard at school and sports and even works hard at teasing his sister. We love you to the moon and back times infinity. Thank you for making these past 9 years a blur of laughter, silliness, adventure and love.

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