Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sick Day Shenanigans...

Aidan's home today with a never-ending cough. And I mean never ending... But no fever, so overall, he doesn't feel to bad, he just can't do much. So what to do for the day?

First, he taught me how to make the "perfect" machine gun sound. (Apparently, I'm a slow learner). Then we practiced our drop and cover skills in the event that our t.v. remote becomes a bomb. (You can't practice that just once). And now, the little man has decided to devote his current life's savings and future earnings to help abused animals. Sarah Mclachlan, if this means that I will never be an empty nester because all my son's money has flown out the window, I'm coming for you. Well played, ASPCA, well played.

And now we're on to giant valentine making. Curious what the next couple of hours before picking up Mo-mo will bring...

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