Saturday, February 2, 2013

Finally 6!

It's happened, Aidan's 6! I can't even believe for a second that my BABY is 6... Forever in my mind, he's going to be my little grumpy old man baby. But alas, if you can't beat it, join it. So we celebrated! 

Aidan love, love, LOVES when the house is decorated! Streamers and balloons are his favorite...

So Mema and I didn't leave an inch uncovered so that Aidan would wake up a decorated wonderland. Meanwhile Ryan participated in ipad 101 with the other Mr. Kearney. Actually to be fair, it was more a 200 level class.

After school, we loaded up some buddies and hit Jump Time.

If there is anything cuter than Kindergarten little boys, I have yet to see it. The wrestling, the giggling, the silliness. Too fun.

Look at these sweaty little faces, so sweet!

Our birthday boy, love him to the moon and back!!

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