Thursday, June 7, 2012

And just like that...

We have a second grader?!?!?! How did this happen? Wasn't she JUST dancing around with nothing on but Uggs, squealing with happiness over Elmo being on t.v.? Today was Morgan's last day of first grade. She said she's happy that it's summer but swore me to secrecy so I didn't let that slip to Ms. Scudder. She made Ms. Scudder a paper mache piggy bank to say thank you for a great year and in return got a big hug. The HUGE, goofy smile she had while telling that story made my cry a little... What a sweet pea!

Ms. Scudder put together huge notebooks of all the stories the kids wrote and special assignments they worked on. A real treasure for us! Morgan said this is her most special picture because it's our family... Gulp, this kid is working my tear ducts today!

I have no idea what this is about, but if I had to guess, I'd think this kid was being raised by a social worker. And open-minded she is, I think she'd try to be-friend a raging bull if she had the chance... We are so proud of our big girl!

*As a side note: Aidan tagged along to Morgan's end of the school year picnic today. He was dressed somewhat normally, but had a wrist watch that shoots disks the size of saucers (so in other words, the watch covered his arm), a sword tucked into the back of his shirt, a bow and arrow wrapped about his torso and I can't forget that he had a plaid belt on that was wrapped around his belly, over his t-shirt. He wondered why people were looking at him. Kindergarten is going to be interesting with this one!!!

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