Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New York Fashion Week?

When is it? Really? I've got a sure fire contender who can really blow out all the other fashion designers.... If you have seen Aidan in the past three week, I'm certain you have seen this Star Wars shirt. And the combinations he throws together? Designers are quaking in their boots at the thought of Aidan giving them some competition, that would be camouflage moon boots they'd be quaking in if they were Aidan! Yep, I'm "that" kind of mom, the kind that let's my 4 year old wear his pajamas out the door and just grin and bear it!
Feeling a little shy... Sometimes wearing a head band just makes you feel that way.

Add a pair of camouflage moon boots to this outfit and I say you are ready for preschool my little buddy! I wonder what Aidan's teachers think when he rolls in?

Silly, silly boy.

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