Friday, December 4, 2009

Hi ho, hi ho...It's off to the allergist we go...

This is a familiar refrain at our house, as we are starting to feel as though the allergists office is our second home. It's that time of year when Morgan's skin starts to look like she's been boiled (eczema) and we have been suspecting that she does have asthma after all. As I was driving there this beautiful morning, I was thinking...
  • Thank God it's the "just" the allergist's office that we have to go to. Morgan's allergies are potentially life-threatening, but with vigilance, she'll be okay. We are SO lucky she has a condition that we can control.

  • Thank God we have insurance! I can't imagine not being able to access a specialist when you need to or having to choose between buying food and going to the doctor.

  • Thank God we have good jobs so we can pay our sometimes astronomical co-pays. (Even though we do have good insurance). Seriously, do they put diamonds and gold into Morgan's eczema cream? That's the only reason I can think of that it costs $500 a tube !!!!!!

  • Thank God we have a daughter who is "detail oriented," okay, let's admit it, she's kind of anal. She does a great job advocating for herself.

  • Thank God we have wonderful friends and family who are just as vigilant as we are about what types of foods are around Morgan.

We have so much to be thankful for!

p.s. She does have asthma... But knowing my daughter, it's not going to slow her down one little bit!

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