Sunday, October 25, 2009

College Reunion!

Fourteen years ago I made a really good decision (thanks in part to my sister-in-law Heather!)... I joined a sorority and met some of the best friends a girl can have. A small group of us recently met up for a miniature reunion in Portland where Liz and Erinne live. A LOT has changed in 14 years, you know, little things like mortgages, spouses, children, wrinkles (or "deep laugh lines" as I like to call them) etc. however, some things haven't changed.... When we get together, we laugh, A LOT. I didn't take a ton of pictures because I was just having too much fun. Thank you for everything ladies! How far we have come...

p.s. A big thank you to my wonderful husband, who not only took excellent care of those wild children of ours, but even cleaned the whole house before I got home...

Liz, Me, Erinne, Mollie and Nicole...

Liz is going to absolutely hate me for posting this, but it's very appropriate. Liz was in a HORRIBLE skiing accident last January and has undergone 4 surgeries and has more to come... She was such a trooper, and has the best attitude a person could possibly have. I am in awe of this girl. Anyway, this picture captures her attitude...

1 comment:

Warme Family said...

All you girls look so great :) Fun!!