Sunday, January 12, 2014

After Holiday Shenanigans...

Mema and Papa are always so good about letting the Mr. and I escape, I mean, take a break from parenting when they come visit! We spent a FUN weekend up in McCall, skiing, relaxing, eating.... 
Here's Ryan getting his "classy" on at the spa.
Not too shabby of digs to spend the afternoon in....
Beer tastes better when you are in McCall and kids are snug as a bug in a rug with the grandparents! 

Skiing Tamarack!
After our getaway, it was New Years. A planned quiet evening at home, turned into a massive dance party at the Bordners. That happens people!
And then it was back to McCall, this time with little people in tow. Um, not a scientist, but I think this hill could use a titch more snow....
Not that this gal minded. She'll ski anything.
Whoever came up with the whole no school, no work Friday is BRILLIANT in my book. We headed up the hill for our first jammie Friday on the hill. We had a blast! Look for the giggling threesome on the hill on any given Friday... (Don't let Aidan's face fool you, he was having fun.) 

*And yes, I do bribe my children with ice cream in the lodge.

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