Sunday, October 27, 2013

Grandma visits!

 We recently had Grandma in town and what FUN it was! I picked her up on the way home from a girl's weekend in Seattle and now I know where Morgan gets her chattiness, ha!

I hardly took any pictures, darn it. But I love the look on Dolly's and Morgan's faces. Really guys, am I that scary looking in my pj's and no shower? Wow.

Grandma got to be here for the end of the season celebrations! Ryan once again purchased trophies for the kids and suggested that instead of reimbursing him that parents make a donation to Ben Towne Foundation. 

Aidan loves, loves, loves trophies. The kid is constantly trying to get me to sign him up for more activities to get more trophies. Sorry dude, I've been unsuccessful in recruiting a sister-wife to help out with transport.

Morgan is having an end of the party to get her award, so why not show off your snack wrapper? I unfortunately didn't get many pictures of the "Purple Pancakes," but don't let their name fool you, they were tough. And silly. Because let's be honest, it's about having fun, right? So proud of these little stars!

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