Saturday, October 20, 2012

Kindergarten Play Time!

Aidan's kindergarten class is learning about "cooperation" and to show the parents just how good they are at this concept, they performed a play! Once again, if seeing this little performance didn't make you smile, we just might have to get you checked in somewhere. It was darling!

The wonderful Ms. Robison. Oh how we adore her so! She returned from teaching in South East Asia and we are so glad she did, she's wonderful!

Set designing crew! If we are friends on facebook, you may have heard me mention that Aidan informed one day after school that he was going to be riding a motorcycle over the audience and flipping in the air. You can imagine my surprise when I showed up to the play and found out this was not true and instead, he was a set designer. But isn't that the most amazing set you have ever seen? (It's the colorings behind the kids!) Flipping motorcycles or designing sets, we're proud regardless!!! 

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