Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Why is Aidan Tired?

Aidan fell asleep on the couch at around 5:30 p.m. this evening, before dinner even! Why would this little guy be so tired, you ask? Is it the academic rigors of his new school? No, not really. Is it that his mom is running him ragged now that she has free time? Maybe, but probably not the reason. Is it that he has learned the skill that every little sibling around the world has mastered? Why yes, it is. Aidan has learned how to drive his sister absolutely bonkers. It doesn't take much, but he has been spending hours doing it. Morgan likes to tell us a lot of random information and it goes on all day. So when she starts in on one of her facts, Aidan is quick to interrupt, "nuh uhh" and he'll say this over and over, as steam comes out her ears, her face turns red and she tries to argue with him that yes, it is February 9th, 2011 or whatever the fact is. Needless to say, there have been a lot of requests "to make him stop" around here.

Sorry sissy, it looks like this little guy is resting up for another day of "nuh uhhh" to your every little fact. And I am off to get a pair of ear plugs.

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