Monday, July 27, 2009


Lately Morgan has been on a "girl power" kick. There are lots of comments like, "girls rule and boys drool," and my personal favorite, since it's something I used to say when I was little, "girls go with girls and boys go with boys." There are a couple of exceptions to her girl-centered world, and one of them is Morgan's buddy Ryder! She has loved him since he was born and she was five months old. These two giggle at everything (most of which we can't really understand what is so funny) and have such fun together. Watch out world, these two are going to be trouble!

This last weekend up at Lucky Peak... A chair collapsing on you can keep these two entertained for hours!

Another Lucky Peak shot of these two, rewind by a couple of years.

Bathing beauties....

Where the friendship began.... Infanthood!

1 comment:

The Bordner Family said...

I love these pics, Sarah! How much they have grown and are still such good buddies!