Monday, January 16, 2017

Christmas and NY 2017... In the Books!

It's hard to believe that 2016 is gone and we are in 2017! So far, 2017 hasn't been our bestie, but we have high hopes for a forging friendship. Ever watch "Groundhog Day?" Boise has been in one since the end of December. Every day, wake up to new snow and no school. Fun when you are a kid. Torture when you are a parent!
I can't figure out how to turn this picture and considering the drama associated with just downloading these pictures.... We'll go with it. I will take to my grave the question, "Why don't Macs have a RIGHT CLICK?" And "Why must they be so slick and sophisticated and over my head, which is neither slick or sophisticated?" Ahh. Anyway, there was lots of snuggling during snowmageddon.
And some indoor soccer! Which Ryan graciously coached... 
And Baylee have made herself at home. It's too bad she never takes time to relax.
The Kearneys opted for a little pre-Christmas fun with just the four of us. We headed to Shore Lodge in McCall and had an absolute blast. 
Once again figuring out ways to bring our kids into bars... This was right before we shuttled them to the room so we could enjoy a quiet dinner. Where's our parenting award?

Perfecting her pool shark face.
Ahh the memories! This shot was taken leaving work with 10 days ahead of vacation. Why oh why did that have to go so fast? I think I'm pretty good at it.
See? I'm good at it. We celebrated Laura and Jed's birthday prior to Christmas. A fun excuse to have a night out with dear friends!
And then it was Christmas! "Stunned Elf" hard at work.
Who was quickly replaced by "Confused Elf."
And it was Daddy's 40TH BIRTHDAY! Old Man Kearney.
Present unwrapping madness. We were all spoiled rotten!
The Kearney Grandparents were attendance to help young Mr. Kearney celebrate his 40th year!
Not to be forgotten, Papa wrapped up random items from their home and gave them to the kids. That was something!
But the money tree was a great idea! See Ryan, money DOES grow on trees...
And then I hit the road to pick up Grandma Dolly! The roads were covered, it reminded me of Christmases past at the cabin!
Opening a pig related gift. She really likes those.

She also really likes to get Ryan signing stuffed animals. 

After the present extravaganza, it was time to hit the hill behind our house. 
Unbelievable how much snow, that kept coming and coming and coming and coming. 

After snow play, it was time to get on our sleep attire and play some hoops. Normal, right?

And then time to celebrate Ryan. 40 years! How did this happen? Don't worry fine reader, he still is young at heart as ever...

So much Christmas fun makes a little babe dog sleepy. Look at that fat little belly? God, we love her.
Morgan's gift to Aidan. 
What a sweet sister!

And then this game. Do I need braces again? Sheesh. And the wine stains. Get this girl a whitening strip. Enough of that game. Although one memory I do want to keep forever. Ryan and Jeremy playing this game and both of them crying. Literally crying as they mumbled garbled-y gook to each other.
The day after Christmas and it was back to the little cabin in the woods. We were so happy to pull into this driveway!

And this view from the window! So. Much. Snow! Which Mother Nature, heads up, this is where we want the snow, k?
Our McCall home away from home. This is Morgan's face when she found out we can't afford college because we spent all our money on soda, nachos and beer there.
And then we saw Mr. Ed Helms. And proceeded to be stalked by him. Seriously, Ed, we are just people! Stop staring at us!
Starting to question maternity of these kids. Little rippers down the mountain, having a hard time keeping up! 

It isn't a trip to the Hamilton cabin without checking out the games....
This spaghetti may or may not have led to someone getting food poisoning. Or our other theory is that a sandwich shop worker didn't wash their hands and there was a little something extra on the spinach. Barf. As heard all night long.
Seriously Ed, this is getting embarrassing.
UW Game time at Lardos! Keeping it Classy McCall, keeping it classy. 

What do you do after a sad loss to Alabama? Well,  you regroup and make sure the Barbies have the time of their life in McCall. Lola and I know how to throw a Barbie ski party.
Karen rung in the New Year on our cabin floor. Remember the grandparents from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Yeah, she was just like that. And it was awesome!
Grammy Karen.
After returning from a week in McCall, we came home to this! What the what? 
Needless to say, no school for a while.
So I took this gaggle of tweens to the mall when cabin fever hit a dangerous pitch. 
Ryan and his sweet Baylee. This girl will do anything for a snuggle.
After weekend two in McCall, we luckily opted out of a Sunday ski to try to beat the freezing rain that was predicted. And came home to Lake Kearn. A pipe burst from the crazy weather.
And so there's that.
It took a few fans to dry things out.
But that didn't deter us from heading back to McCall the following weekend. Actually, I mentally had to. The dust and chaos at my house was best dealt with denial! And McCall did not disappoint!
Bluebird days, powder and lots and lots of trips to the lodge was just what this family needed! So let's hear it for school tomorrow!

2017, we need to talk. Keep our pipes intact and keep our kids in school and we'll be just fine. 

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