Sunday, December 8, 2013

Giving Thanks in Wine Country….

As every year, we have a lot to be thankful for this year! We ended up meeting the Foster five in Walla Walla, enjoyed some wine (even a night out sans kids!) and shared a lot of laughs. A great weekend!

The boys earned their keep quite nicely and prepared quite the feast!

Oh this cutie. Edible.

Meanwhile, the animals became quite antsy for their food...

And angry when it didn't appear!

People, this is why I don't cook. Seriously.

Macka-macka (aka Max) stole the show. Rumor has it, tears were shed when we parted. We felt the exact same buddy.

A little pre-Apple Cup coffee to ignite the rivalry. It was a sad loss for our Cougs (Ryan, Morgan, Aidan and Cassie). There's hope of at least three of them jumping ship someday.

There was a lot of "photo scavenger hunts" to keep the Apple Cup fans entertained. Hence, the random self portraits on my phone. I think he took this photo when the scavenger item said to photograph something "awesome."

There was also a lot of game time snuggling.

And mugging for the camera!

And taking pictures of Aunt Sarah. Oh Macka, I'm surprised I didn't just eat you up. It was tempting!

And of course a lot of resting after filled days of cousin fun. The kids separate into a blondie group and a brunette group, with Mr. Max joining them all!

And lots and lots of twister. I tried it for a second, but it didn't turn out well.

And there was a wild and long "Turkey Bowl." Teams were the Seahawks vs. Cuties. I'm not really sure who won, but with a name like "Cuties," I think they should win because whichever dad put up with that team name put up with a lot!

And we got a new dog! Ha, kidding. We had a fun night out, wine tasting and a great dinner. At one winery, there is a dog that plays mascot. I think he fits us quite well, right?

Amazing dinner!

This a front shot of the house we rented. I tried my best to just stay there, but the housecleaner eventually kicked me out. Whatever. Seriously though, can you beat that charm? Until next year Whitman House!!!! 

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