Saturday, April 6, 2013

Back in the Saddle!

WHERE are the days going? I can't believe I haven't had an entry since early February.... Probably because absolutely nothing has gone on, nope, just sitting around being reaaaalllyyy lazy. I jest. The lack of blogging can be attributed to a full time job, STILL doing contract work for the county (I know, I need to find a job hoarders anonymous program), two kids in soccer, swimming lessons, gymnastics (Mo only), guitar lessons and when we get a chance, a lot of fun! But as Morgan told my grandmother recently, all women need to get married because the men do everything around the house, so I guess according to Morgan I have been just sitting around eating bonbons.... It is the good life!
Although I'm sad to say ski season is over, we had a BLAST this year. It was the beginning of all of us really getting to ski together and the beginning of me being able to manage both kids without Ryan. 

Only in Boise can you spend the day skiing, hit downtown for a dinner out and then take a little hike in the foothills. Love this town!

Since we have some vacations coming up, I've been trying to work out more. No, they aren't distracting at all.

President's Day was spent touring Interfaith Sanctuary and developing a plan to help... I spend a lot of time in the homeless shelters these days. Most days I leave with such a heavy heart and feeling way more blessed than I deserve. On our day off from school and work, we toured the shelter. To say the kids got a little perspective is an understatement. 

So afterward, we hit the coffee shop and did some brainstorming as to how we could help. Meeting #1 of the "Kind Kearneys." Morgan and I had a lengthy discussion of how disheartening it is to be homeless and one could feel so hopeless and that no one cares. Morgan's idea was to create a HUGE banner that says, "Hey, we CARE about you." I thought maybe we could fundraise to get diapers and raise money for tutors for the kids, but hey, that works too. I heart this kid.

Meanwhile, Ryan went on a guys ski trip to Park City and I took the kids skiing three days in a row. Yes, three. Yes it was fun and yes, I almost fell over with exhaustion afterward. (And I threw my back out, old lady).

Daddy out of town, yes, eat all the sugar you want.

In between skiing everyday, we also passed out information at Kid's Fair. I might have told 5 million people about Ben Towne Foundation. No kidding, the number of people there was INSANE! Luckily, the kids were great helpers!

This is out of order, but give me a break, I haven't blogged in months people! I took this picture of Morgan because HUGE milestone. We were on a two person chair and so she had to go solo (gulp).

After the first two days of skiing, one day of setting up Kid's Fair booth and one day of telling 5 million people about Ben Towne Foundation, we ordered Wiseguys pizza and vegged. Did my kids eat a whole large pizza? Yes, they did. (Burp!)

The third day of skiing, I really debated whether or not to head up the hill. Hallejuah we did it! It was awesome, bluebird day, whoop to the whoop!

This is the best. Aidan likes to ski with one of my poles. That is, until he was so into going faster and wasn't looking and ran smack into a "slow" sign. Irony at it's best.

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