Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween 2012

Another fun halloween goes down in the history books! Our spider woman and ninja had a fantastic time, cruising around the neighborhood on hay bales in trailers. No pictures from the potluck or actual trick or treating. I might have been too busy chatting, I know, weird. 

Blue candied tongue to go with her costume. Yes, we take things seriously around here. 

Beware the ninja!

Seriously, ninja man doesn't mess around. Luckily, spider-woman can hold her own. 

Artsy little posers we have... (Please disregard my dead plants).

Someone trying to outshine little brother? No, say it ain't so.

Even ninjas need kisses from mommy.

Roxy and Morgan! I volunteered to help out at Morgan's halloween party at school. Holy mac, I'm still sweaty from that. I don't know how teachers do it and Morgan has a pretty well mannered gaggle of classmates. In my 10 years as a social worker, I have dealt with some really, really intense situations. But I tell you what, nothing (not even being called into the hospital during the middle of the night) is as tiring as 24 2nd graders. The energy, the non-stop talking (I thought it was just Morgan), the energy (it bears repeating), the constant activity. Cheers to you teachers, there is no salary high enough. 

1 comment:

The Headlee Family said...

Love, love, love the Halloween costumes! Happy Halloween Kearney's - wish we were trick-or-treating with you!