Saturday, June 4, 2011

She Was Runnniiinnnggg....

Okay, I promise this is Morgan's last big event for the week and for a while! Morgan and Ryder competed in their second "kid race" and what fun it was! Mommy even got in the mix, thankfully there was a pool and cocktails after the finish line because this kid ran fast and I was tired!

10 hours later and yes, Morgan is STILL wearing her metal. Big time stuff!
Aidan was so excited to see REAL Star War's guys at the finish line. Here is our brave buddy!
Look at this girl!!!! I ran with her the entire race until some race official started yelling at me, "NO PARENTS, GET OFF THE COURSE." Really, race lady? She's 6, she was shaking with fear because you had people in costumes at the start line. That tells me she isn't ready to run an entire mile by herself. AND she has asthma. So be quiet race lady. There, I feel better now.
Look at her go! She ran the mile in 12 minutes, whoop whoop! The 6 year old girls started in the back of the pack and she was passing the "big kids" like it was nothing. Also notice she's wearing her brother's shorts, it's officially a racing tradition since this is the 2nd time she's done this!

Mylie, our adorable neighbor, was at the start line. She calmed a lot of the "costumed characters" fears. We spent the rest of the day and evening at the Bordner's new fun locale for a great finish to a fantastic day.

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