Saturday, August 29, 2015

Part Tres….

We spent two fun-filled nights up at the Foster's and had a blast on Pine Lake!

 Don't think for a second that the "water carpet" is easy… Because let me tell you, 38 year old ladies don't fair well on this sucker...
 Of course Morgan did a headstand on a paddle board. Are we sure she's my kid?
 Dash and Bogey stole the show….
 And got lots of love from the Kearneys! 

 ALL the Kearneys!
 We also loved visiting a zoo that doesn't have just deer and labradors. I kid! Sorry Boise Zoo...

 Ha, as I scroll down and see that the kids are feeding a deer. Okay, Boise Zoo you are diverse and wonderful too...
 Not that many photos taken because of bottles such as these… Always TOO much fun at the Fosters!
 Oh Macka, Macka, Macka, how we LOVE you so…. Max was tied to Aidan's hip and while Aidan doesn't look thrilled in this picture, he actually was to have a little buddy and honored that Max loves being with him!
 Bed head!
No rest for the wicked…. Sadly work doesn't take a vacation, although working with Bogey in lap isn't too bad...

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