Friday, February 19, 2010

Can I get a WHOOP-WHOOP??

Why yes you can! If you come over to our house where we have a little dude suspected of having "whooping cough." Yes, he's been vaccinated, but we think he might have a mild case. We have him on antibiotic in hopes of clearing it up (and his ear infection, his 1st!). Needless to say, there have been a lot of sleepless nights and I think that if he doesn't start feeling better soon, I might have to be surgically removed from our couch. Seriously, I have literally spent the week on the couch with my sick little buddy, watching movies of heavy machinery moving dirt. Not the most exciting way to spend your week, but I feel fortunate to be able to *hopefully* provide my favorite 3 year old with some comfort. Someday soon, our snuggle on the couch days will be over, so I'm going to run with it while I can!

Our little buddy zonked on the couch. He coughs less if he sits upright, hence the funny position....

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