Friday, February 19, 2010

Can I get a WHOOP-WHOOP??

Why yes you can! If you come over to our house where we have a little dude suspected of having "whooping cough." Yes, he's been vaccinated, but we think he might have a mild case. We have him on antibiotic in hopes of clearing it up (and his ear infection, his 1st!). Needless to say, there have been a lot of sleepless nights and I think that if he doesn't start feeling better soon, I might have to be surgically removed from our couch. Seriously, I have literally spent the week on the couch with my sick little buddy, watching movies of heavy machinery moving dirt. Not the most exciting way to spend your week, but I feel fortunate to be able to *hopefully* provide my favorite 3 year old with some comfort. Someday soon, our snuggle on the couch days will be over, so I'm going to run with it while I can!

Our little buddy zonked on the couch. He coughs less if he sits upright, hence the funny position....

All of the Kearney's went skiing, wahooo!

Ryan and I love to ski, however, since having kids we haven't made nearly as many trips up the hill as we used to. Funny how that works! Until now! Well, maybe not quite yet, but this past Saturday all four of us were able to get up to Bogus and do some skiing. Morgan has been having a blast up on the hill, if you are ever up at Bogus, look for the little girl in ALL pink, with her arms flapping like a bird, while a little voice is singing a Taylor Swift tune. Another way to know it's Morgan is that there is probably her mother behind her, shouting, "Slow down!" or "Watch out!" She's much more competent than I give her credit for, but my job is to worry, right? Aidan also had a great time up there and was pretty proud of himself, telling everyone we saw for the next couple of days, "I ski, all by myself!"

A "healthy" snack at the lodge...

Aidan a little cold, lying in the snow while Morgan takes her 57th run of the day. I think Morgan would move up there if she could.

Aidan skiing!!

Could little person skis be any cuter? They are miniature but perfect for little Aidan. Morgan has graduated onto the girliest pink skis you can possibly find...

Yes, Aidan has a one piece suit, circa 1980. Hey, it's not easy being awesome.

Monday, February 8, 2010

10 years ago today...

Ten years ago today, a guy showed up at my apartment with a six pack of Labatt's, two tall boys of Busch light and made my roommate, Nicole and I giggle until our faces hurt. Then he whisked me off to a "romantic" (HA!) evening of country line dancing at The Little Hen on Greenlake. Not the most "normal" first date, but truly the best! A lot has has happened in the past 10 years, but one thing remains the same, I really like that guy! It hit me as we were battling the stomach flu with 2 kids this past weekend and I looked over to see Ryan with a shirt wrapped around his head, trying not to gag as he took care of Aidan's inability to hit the toilet, that there is no one I'd rather be raising my children and sharing my life with!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Is there really anything better...

Is there really anything better than seeing your child smile? If so, I haven't come across it!