Saturday, April 5, 2014

Misc. Goings On...

Poor sad neglected blog… That's what happens when there is too much fun going onto capture!

There was a visit from Papa and Grandpa….

And therefore, some type of shooting went on. This time it was bows and arrows.

Pants were optional, of course.

And of course, there's been gymnastics meets. Why wouldn't you do upside downy, crab walk, knocking each other over while you are waiting for the judge's scores?

And we've got a first place tie, with Ms. Mo-mo!!!!

These two Fosters must be good luck charms….

I think Morgan and Ryan had magnets installed in their body when she was born. It never fails, wherever Ryan is, you'll find Morgan!

And Lacrosse started! Because two kids in soccer, one kid in gymnastics, just wasn't enough activity for us….

And Aidan has been pretending to sleep and requesting I take his picture. Odd? Yes, but that means he fits right in with this bunch.

I used to spend a lot of time picking up after the kids and their toys. Now, I spend time picking up after Byron and his toys. Good thing he's cute.

Recently, Ben Towne Foundation Boise Chapter was asked to serve beer Tree Fort Music Festival and all tips raised could go to our chapter. Because I had a relaxing vacation around the corner, I signed up for almost the entire weekend. Yow, that was something! I have NEVER, ever, NEVER in my entire life seen so much beer. If you know me well, you know that's saying something. I also have never quite been so tired afterward, but it was a BLAST! And we got to listen to amazing music while we slung Payette Brews, win-win. I'll be back Tree Fort, oh yes, I'll be back!

In the midst of Tree Fort, Morgan had a state gymnastic's meet. Let's just say that a day and night of beer slinging, followed by a 6:30 a.m. gymnastics wake up call (to be followed by a day and night of beer slinging) equals one tired lady!!! Morgan did great and for your viewing pleasure, visit this little ditty Ryan put together!

And there have been sleepovers!

We love having the Fitzpatrick kids over, always a great time for everyone!!!

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