*Why walk? RUN, everywhere and fast.
*If something is exciting or makes you happy, tell your sister immediately.
*If something is scary or makes you sad, find mom, quickly!
*If something is cool or has anything to do with being a boy, sorry ladies, but only dad will do.
*If something is cool or has anything to do with being a boy, sorry ladies, but only dad will do.
*Superheros are real. Honestly, they are constantly being channeled through Aidan.
*Darth Vader is a good guy. Seriously, if you tell him differently, buckle up, it's not going to be pleasant.
*Jack and Max (Stacie's sons) are actually your brothers and are just awesome.
*Bad guys exist, but don't worry, Aidan's on patrol.
*You might understand and speak Spanish, but why would you ever show your family?
*Don't just laugh, belly laugh.
*When you are alone or think you are alone, automatically go to your pretend land, where you have conversations, fight crime, fly planes and every movement has a swooooossshhhing sound.
*Make your family's heart melt with the biggest and most endearing smiles..

Garabatos birthday dance party. Shake it baby! Good God, I love that school, a place after my own heart.
Aidan and his buddies.
Aidan and Mema led an art class in honor of the big man's birthday. It might be one of his most favorite things to do!
Our little (big) birthday boy! Oh that smile, puts tears in my eyes and makes my heart just burst!
Well looky there, a birthday present on display!
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