My parents had their neighbors hide their Easter baskets in the woods across the street and pretend there was an Easter bunny sighting. Too much fun! The kids LOVED it! Or "lubbed" it, if you are Aidan.

Hunting for the treats with Ben leading. Ben is only a young 91 years old and he even gave a hopping demonstration of the Easter bunny he saw in the woods behind his house. I remember spending time with Ben and Valdez (his beautiful wife) when I wasn't much older than our kids. Amazingly, I think Ben and Valdez have been hiding in an age-proof bubble all these years, they haven't changed a bit!

Arrow! Evey's new puppy, because every two year old needs a puppy. Well, every 2 year old who is Evey, I think she might give Morgan a run for her money in the "loving puppies" department!

Papa and Aidan. Aidan LOVES Papa. He even let me put a Husky t-shirt on him because Aidan's convinced that Papa is a Husky.

EBBEY! Actually, this is Evey, short for Evelyn, but Aidan lovingly refers to her as "EBBEY." I might be only a tad (okay a lot) biased, but she really is the smartest 2 year old I've ever met. She LOVES to read to her Minnie Mouse, so as a result, Minnie is pretty bright too.

Evey and grandma. Everything that Evey comes into contact is hers, atta girl! "Evey grandma, Evey grandpa, Evey chair, Evey puppy" and I even got her to say, "Evey Auntie."

A little cousin story time. Aidan requested that we bring Evey home with us. Sorry Aidan, I think her parents are kind of attached. Probably my biggest highlight was seeing my baby brother be one of the most loving and fantastic daddy's I know. The sun rises and sets on his girl and it was pretty sweet to see.

We traveled twice to Jon and Heather's! One visit was planned, the other was the result of a freak storm on our way to Ellensburg on Snoqualmie Pass. Cassie wins the "crazy duck 2011" award after a triple dog dare from cousin Morgan. Yes people, she jumped in! Cassie and I have a TON of similarities, but jumping in the water, IN MARCH after it has rained months on end is beyond me!

Morgan was in puppy heaven! Both of my brothers recently got puppies recently... Jon and Heather got two! Dash and Bogey just might be the cutest things I have seen in a long time!

While Morgan was in puppy heaven, Aidan was in adrenaline rush mode. He got so hyper every evening... I think it was utter exhaustion turned into absolute craziness. Look at that look in his eyes, yowza!

Oh Max, how your Aunt Sarah loves you.... This boy is something else. He was a wild and crazy little man and just as lovable as can be. I'm missing him already.

I can't remember for the life of me why these monkeys are hopping up and down on Mema's deck! But I do remember it was fun! And yes, Zach is almost as tall as me!

1 comment:
Looks like you had an amazing road trip with the kids! Cousin time is the best :)! Miss you guys!
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