Tuesday, March 15, 2011

100 Day Celebration!

Morgan recently had her 100 celebration at Kindergarten! I can't believe how fast this year is going and how much she has changed.... She's grown in ways that I never even fathomed and is making us so proud every day, whether it be with her art, her creativity, her growing musical talent, her intelligence or her kind heart, we're just super lucky parents (and also wondering if she was switched at birth, ha, kidding, she's crazy like her mom!).

Morgan and Ryan put this together, they had to display 100 small things in a creative way. I'm glad they are creative because who knows what I would have come up with!

**Also notice that Morgan has FINALLY been letting me do something to her hair besides a hair clip. I'm bribing her with a hamster, even though I am deathly afraid of rodents. I just hope she doesn't try to cash in for a while!

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