Tuesday, October 12, 2010


On Saturday night, Aidan and Ryan joined some friends to watch Boise State beat, okay butcher Toledo. So Morgan and I ventured over to the BSU Student Union Building for some bowling, because really, why not? Score one for mommy, Morgan had a FANTASTIC time and this momma appreciated the fact that it was a pretty classy little alley....

HOWEVER, Morgan is now obsessed with bowling. Now I am having visions of my future self, sitting every weekend at some bowling league event, sipping a flat and warm Bud Light, playing pull tabs, while Morgan wears a gas mask to protect her asthmatic lungs from smoke, while all my other mom girlfriends are basking in the late summer sun at a soccer game. (Sorry any bowling fans if I've misrepresented the sport, but my overactive imagination is having fun with this thought....) Whatever makes the girl happy!

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