Sadly last night was probably the last evening until spring where we'll get to ride our bikes downtown for an outdoor dinner, while the kids run around the Center on the Grove like mad-men! Last night, Aidan was really excited to watch a couple of teenage kids doing tricks on their bicycles. He really wanted to go tell them he thought they were "pwetty kewl." So we walked over towards them and he yelled out, "I YUV (love) YOU!" to the boys. And kept saying it! I don't know which was funnier, that this 2 1/2 year old boy is telling teenage boys that he loves them or that the 2 1/2 year old boy's mother then got really protective. The teenagers asked if Aidan was really telling them that he loved him, to which I replied, "no, he said that he thinks you guys are doing a good job." Then I tried to give Aidan my best "c'mon, be cool" look, which didn't work because he just kept shouting, "I YUV YOU!!" I have a gut feeling that that I am going to be "that mom." You know, the one who tries to be cool, but just isn't. Good luck Morgan and Aidan, it's going to be a long ride!!

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