Saturday, August 1, 2009

Papa Jim is going to be so happy!

While trying to get some things done around the house, I told the kids they can have a "quiet time." Also known as, they can watch t.v. because Mom needs a BREAK! I asked Morgan what she wanted to watch, which was Scooby Doo. Aidan piped in, "I wanna watch golf." I kind of looked at him funny, which led to a tantrum that only a 2 1/2 year old could throw, with Aidan shreiking, "I wanna watch golf, I yike (like) GOLF." So I put Aidan in our room, since there's no way Morgan was going to go for it. I think I can relate to what Papa Jim's mother must have gone through years ago... So Jim, you've got a little golfer over here who's ready for some lessons!

After about 30 minutes, the "excitement" of watching golf was just too much for Aidan, so he had to take a quick nap!

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