I'm supposed to be studying for my LCSW exam, so what to do, what to do? Update the blog! (I know, I know, I should have taken this exam years ago, these babes of mine took precedence and I can't use them as an excuse any more!)
We took Bigg Pigg up to the Stanley area for Labor Day weekend and the old beast did not disappoint! Fun was had by all and we are counting down until next summer!
Bull Trout Lake, what a beautiful spot!
The ever so serious fisher-people.
This picture was taken seconds before Morgan caught her first fish of the year AND seconds before this old gal slipped on a wet log, landing smack on my back in the water. Classy lady, I am.
One second before reeling in the finest catch of the day. Yep, she's allergic, so mom gets the fun part of actually catching and releasing (hence the falling in part).
Since my sweatshirt was a tad muddy from aforementioned "swim," I thought my 5 year old's carhart was a good option. Yes?
The "bad girls of badminton" took a break on this camping trip and instead "Misty May Morgan" and "Momma Walsh" had some fun with the volleyball. Watch out 2016 Olympics, we are coming for YOU!
Too bad this lake was so ugly.
Darling boy in a carhart. Anything cuter? Nope.
Heart melting little creature he is.
We left the lake and hit the river. Yeah, my family is pretty tough, just sitting in the river like it's nothing. (Okay, it's actually a hot spring).
Beautiful day, gorgeous spot, kids busy building the deepest pool they could, not a bad little Sunday afternoon!
Bathing beauts.
No campsite is complete without a spot for the fairies to visit. You are welcome little fairies!