Sunday, September 18, 2011

Love is in the air....

We had another fast and FUN weekend! On Saturday morning, Ms. Morgan scored a goal, yes folks, A GOAL! She's very proud but her cuckoo mom was too busy cheering to snap any pics. And on Saturday evening, we celebrated a lovely wedding for Steve and April Zabel. Such a great party and very fun event. Don't worry, as usual at weddings, I cried a little. I can't help it, anytime I see a guy get choked up, it's over. Needless to say, it was a touching ceremony and a fantastic party. And it all occurred on my grandparent's 62nd wedding anniversary!

Mama's ready for a night of dancing... And dancing we did! I always have the best time with Heather!
The beautiful bride and groom! Wishing them a lifetime of happiness...
The girls! It may look like there are five us of gals, but actually seven if you count our future little girlfriends! Yep, Brooke and Kirstin will be welcoming little gals in January. I can't wait to meet Lola and Tootie!
What's that they are doing? Checking scores of course!
That is so weird to see Jeremy making a silly face in the background. Reason #5423 Jeremy and I are way too much alike. Oh well, at least Ryan knows the characteristics he likes in the people he hangs with....

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

And not to worry....

Not to worry all you gender equity folks, I'll make sure this little turbo wakes up awesome too...

Waking Up Full of Awesome!

Okay, okay I'll admit it, I stole this little ditty off the internet today. But it sure does describe how I feel about my little gal and how I hope she always feels about herself! I've decided to wake up tomorrow full of awesome to show Ms. Morgan how it's done...

Waking up Full of Awesome!

There was a time when you were five years old,
and you woke up full of awesome.

You knew you were awesome.

You loved yourself.

You thought you were beautiful,
even with missing teeth and messy hair and mismatched socks inside your grubby sneakers.

You loved your body, and the things it could do.

You thought you were strong.

You knew you were smart.

Do you still have it?
The awesome.

Did someone take it from you?
Did you let them?
Did you hand it over, because someone told you weren’t beautiful enough, thin enough, smart enough, good enough?
Why the heck would you listen to them?
Did you consider they might be full of poop?

Wouldn’t that be nuts, to tell my little girl below that in another five or ten years she might hate herself because she doesn’t look like a starving and Photoshopped fashion model?
Or even more bizarre, that she should be sexy over smart, beautiful over bold?
Are you freaking kidding me?

Look at her. She is full of awesome.

You were, once. Maybe you still are. Maybe you are in the process of getting it back.

All I know is that if you aren’t waking up feeling like this about yourself, you are really missing out.

If this isn't awesome.... then I just don't know what is!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

What a Weekend!!!

Another weekend has gone just too quickly. I realize it's only 4:30 on Sunday while I type this, but I am procrastinating some reports I have to write for the court and I am on call tonight, so for me the weekend is over! (If I don't sneak in a bike ride anyway.)

Morgan's first fall soccer game. These fans are tough. Don't mess with Morgan's cheering section. It was a fantastic game, unfortunately the "Silly Bands" lost in a real heartbreaker, but those girls have spirit! Unfortunately only videos of the little girl, I'll get those uploaded soon. Ryan was having "boy time" with Jeremy in Donnelly for the night, so my goal on Saturday was to wear the kids out. After soccer, it was a four year old birthday party and then we headed to the Bordner's pool for "Operation Wear Out." Mission accomplished people, Morgan slept in until 11:00 a.m. Sunday morning. NO LIE!
Friday night while daddy was still in town, we hit a milestone. Aidan's first big boy bike ride through downtown! We hit "Art in the Park" and then our favorite downtown pizza spot, Protos. Someone is pretty proud of himself!
Sunday, after Morgan FINALLY woke up, we met up with Brooke at a Stella and Dot shin-dig and then decided to honor our local heroes. It was Starbuck's Cake Pops for our fearless firepeeps at Station number 3!
It took almost every ounce of Aidan's self control to not go Tazmanian Devil on these things. He did great and was responsible for carrying them to the station, since there were nuts involved after all...
Being an ER social worker, I sometimes get to see first hand how hard these people work. I really don't know they do it and it really does bring tears to my eyes to think what this profession went through ten years ago. Yowza. I can't say that I could ever be that fearless but I am certainly glad that these folks are.

And fun fact of the day, firetrucks now carry epi-pens. Hooray!

And another fun fact, my baby brother is 25 today! Happy birthday Ty-ty! Since mentally I am still 25, we're twins!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

While we were gone...

If you read the previous post and wondered where our kids were while we having the time of our lives, don't worry, we didn't lock them in the car or anything weird like that. Mema and Papa came to visit and the kids had a fantastic time!

Aidan and Mema spent Thursday at the Warhawk Museum. He wasn't a fan or anything at all (insert sarcasm). He LOVED it!
He had to be switched at birth, how did two ugly mugs like us make this little sweet-faced baby boy?

And this little sweetheart? How did we get so lucky?

Hiking with Mema and Papa behind our house! We are always so thankful to have such an amazing, loving, fun and wonderful grandparents for our kiddos.

9 years!

Ryan and I recently celebrated NINE YEARS of marriage. Nine years, how did that happen? Weren't we just getting on a plane to backpack around Australia for months on end, without a worry in the world beside how we'd keep the beer cold? Our actual anniversary was a little anti-climatic, with work-kid-life obligations, neither of even remembered it until Ryan's blackberry dinged. But we knew we'd have Sun Valley around the corner to celebrate and celebrate we did! It was hands down one of the best weekends I've ever had, three long mountain bike rides (a couple were over 20 miles!), schooners at Grumpy's, naps by the pool and terrific dinners out, not to mention we laughed A LOT.

I'm so glad I suckered this guy into marrying me nine years ago...

There isn't much better than Grumpy's after a couple hour bike ride!

Don't worry, I did wear a helmet but Ryan suggested that since I have a big "Foster melon" I shouldn't wear it in pictures since it looks like I have a party hat on. See, what would I do without this guy?
There was no way to capture the beauty of the rides we went on, so I didn't even really try... This weekend proves once again, I just might be the luckiest girl alive!

A Borney Birthday Weekend!

Morgan is SEVEN, how has this happened?!? Especially since Ryan and I haven't aged a bit, right? The past seven years have really been the best of our lives and we have this silly little monkey to thank for that. We celebrated her birthday over an entire weekend with the Bordners! Friday night was an evening out on the boat, Saturday was a trip to the Bordner's pool with dinner and cake celebration, Ryder spent the night with us on Saturday and on Sunday we hit Roaring Springs. I'm tired just typing all of that!

On Morgan's actual birthday (Monday) we had a little celebration since we are all a little tired after the weekend's fun. A new guitar for Morgan and an evening of extreme safety for Aidan in his helmet and goggles.
Happy girl with new rollerblades. It's almost as though we are trying to get a ticket to the ER. Last year it was the electric scooter, this year rollerblades. What's the matter with us?
Aidan and I successfully did a quick little decorating before picking up our birthday girl from school. Yes, it was kind of a sad display. Better than nothing, right?
We gave the kids a bowl of food dye for a treat. Nothing says healthy like blue liquid. I love this picture because it looks like Jeremy is the fetal position behind the kids. Sometimes hanging out with the Kearneys can do that to you.

Brotherly and sisterly love at the Bordner's pool. Also known as "Mommy shouting to Morgan to make sure Aidan didn't get too deep." Yep, that's good parenting for you, put the 7 year old in charge.
Now this is a picture that has never happened before, Aidan wearing something silly. At the pool is a basket of goggles and Aidan felt this pair was just the right one for him. I think he was channeling Will.I.Am and kept waiting for him to break out in "Imma be."
More celebrating!
Even baby Bordner made a little appearance! Can't wait to play with that little lady soon...

Foster Grandies!

While Ryan and I were playing in McCall for the second annual Hot August Nights, the kids were having a blast with Grandma and Papa J!

Oy vey, Morgan looks a little possessed in this picture!
Grandparent Love!